Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Category: Bible Review Game

  • 12 Year Old Jesus In The Temple

    Our continuing Exploration through the Life of Jesus Has brought us to the time when Jesus was 12 years old.    His family Travels to Jerusalem to Celebrate the Passover and He goes with them.  Of Course, You know the Story.  He gets left behind due to His desire to be in the Temple listening…

  • Twelve Sons of Jacob Visual Made from Gerber Puff Containers

    Recently, I was in GREAT need of an EXCITING VISUAL for teaching an upcoming lesson on the Twelve SONS of JACOB.     Although I have several style of visuals for the Sons of Jacob, I wanted something that would GRAB the KIDDOS attention and that they would find EXCITING to look at and touch.…

  • Diaper Wipe Lids turned PUSH BUTTON BIBLE GAME!!!

    Kiddos LOVE to push buttons, they love to explore and they love playing “GAMES.” So, when you can put ALL THREE of those LOVES together it make for GREAT LEARNING and a BIT of FUN!!   What makes this REVIEW GAME even better is that it is made from donated diaper wipe lids, scraps of…