Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Category: Cain

  • REVIEW TIME!!! Creation-Tower of Babel

    Today was our FIRST of two REVIEW DAYS!!  I, personally feel that REVIEW days are so beneficial.    It lets me ascertain the KIDDOS progress.  I want to make sure they understand what they have been learning.  I want to make sure they can tell me the stories in order.  I want to make sure…

  • Cain and Abel Story Telling ACTIVITY

    I wanted to SHARE with you all one more “FUN” activity we did with the KIDDOS, while teaching the story of Cain and Abel.   I have noticed that whenever the KIDDOS are having to LEARN multiple names and they happen to be the same gender, it gets kinda confusing. So, we came up with…

  • Cain and Abel

    We are making progress…..we are learning about Cain and Abel. We are a bit behind, due to weather.  We have NEVER had to cancel services….but, a week ago we were covered in ICE.  It made for extremely dangerous driving conditions.  So, our elders decided it would be best to cancel services.  With that being said,…

  • GOD’S AWESOME PLAN FOR MAN BOXES!!! Box One—-Before Time Began through the Tower of Babel

    Before Time Began, GOD had a PLAN for MAN!  It is an AWESOME PLAN!!!   This is our  Before Time Began -Tower of Babel Box.  I wanted to have you PEEK in the box.  ðŸ™‚ As you can see, we have all the MAJOR stories covered!   Creation to the Tower of Babel!  ðŸ™‚ In…