Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Category: EAA.


    Our  2nd-4th Graders have been learning about the Life of CHRIST.  Such a WONDERFUL TOPIC.  I am looking forward to ONE day getting to WRITE and TEACH lessons on the LIFE of CHRIST for my KIDDOS. These KIDDOS are so much fun and so SMART!   So, we wanted to give them a bit of…

  • Early Arrivers Activity— Unscramble the Books of The Bible

    The KIDDOS are going to be encouraged to get the BOOKS of THE BIBLE memorized.  We have a LOT of different activities that we are going to be doing to REVIEW the Books of The Bible and ENCOURAGE the KIDDOS!!!   One of the ACTIVITIES that the KIDDOS will get to do is UNSCRAMBLE the BOOKS…

  • Milk Cap for Memorizing the Books of The Bible

    I LOVE to teach KIDDOS the BOOKS OF THE BIBLE.  I love to hear them SAY the Books of the Bible.  My favorite is to hear them attempt to say Deuteronomy!!!     I have used several different METHODS of encouraging the KIDDOS to MEMORIZE the books of the BIBLE.  We have made a BOOKS of The…

  • Personal White Boards Make GREAT Teaching Aides.

    As you know, I ALWAYS have some sort of EAA (Early Arrivers Activity) for my KIDDOS.  I usually have the same EAA for 2 weeks.  I try to CHANGE out the EAA’S often…yet keep a bit of consistency during a particular lesson. If this is your first time coming to the HANDS ON BIBLE TEACHER…

  • Paint Paddles Turned Bible Facts Review Sticks!!!

    Paint Paddles are NOT just for mixing paint.  🙂  I Decided to make some Bible Facts Review Sticks. These are based off something I saw on Pinterest.  (BTW, I love Pinterest!!!)     I have by no means exhausted ALL the Bible Facts, List, People, etc.  Matter-of-Fact, I need to finish the one I am making for…

  • Another Ealry Arrival Activity E. A. A. Drawing the Days of Creation.

    This will be their EAA (Early Arrival Activity) this Sunday.  Because, I like to REVIEW information, facts and lesson the Kiddos have learned in the past, I decided this would be a FUN one.  We are going to to review the Days of Creation.   Here is the plan….The Early Arrivers will Roll the Die that…

  • A Bible Book Bag As A Special Surprise E.A.A.

    The Kiddos had a SPECIAL SURPRISE as their E.A.A.  (Early Arrival Activity.)  I decided to give each of my Kiddos a “Special” bag.  I explained that this “Special” bag was their “BIBLE CLASS Bag.”  I told them this bag was to come to Bible Class with them EVERY TIME they come to class.   I let…

  • Another Ealry Arrival Activity E. A. A.

    We have a new E.A.A. (Early Arrival Activity) in our classroom and the KIDDOS LOVE it!!!.   This was a SUPER SIMPLE thing to do.  I just took OLD Visuals and attached them to MAGNETIC Sticker Sheets.  I purchased the Magnetic Sheets at our local Dollar Tree.    I also purchased our Magnetic Puzzle Trays (COOKIE SHEETS)…