Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Category: Elisha

  • A Floating Axe Head.

    First thing first….THIS has been a ROUGH few weeks.  We have had some sort of sickness running rampant through our home.  My oldest son brought it home with him a few weeks back.  Since then we have all seemed to be dropping like dead flies.  I was the last fly to drop….and when I did…

  • Gehazi Gets Greedy

    Do You Know Wall? I am excited about this weeks lesson…IT REALLY SEEMS that I am ALWAYS EXCITED about the LESSONS.  I just CAN’T help it!!!!  I enjoy spending time with the KIDDOS and seeing their excitement and understanding of GOD grow!!!  I am truly BLESSED to be a Bible Class Teacher. This week the…

  • Naaman Had Leprosy

     We are ALL excited around here…We are getting ready to learn about Naaman.  I love this story for so many reasons. We will focus on the HISTORY of this story.  The facts that Elisha, GOD’S prophet, was performing miracles.   We will look at how Naaman refused to do something so simple…because, he wanted something more…

  • Elisha And the Shunamite Woman

    This Sunday we will be learning about Elisha, the Shunamite woman and her son.  I briefly, introduced the Shunamite woman at the end of our last lesson. Tell the KIDDOS that Elisha was going to Shunem and would meet a very kind woman there…. God’s Awesome Plan For Man Wall We will talk about the…

  • Elisha and the Widow

    This weeks lesson is focusing on some of the miracles Elisha performs.  We will quickly cover the miracle when Elisha healed the water at Jericho…but our MAIN focus of the lesson will be when Elisha helps the widow…this story comes from 2 Kings 4.   We will add the WORD Debt to our WORD WALL!! Since,…

  • “Party Hat” Visuals

    I have still be working on this weeks  LESSON about Elijah’s Majestic Ride Into Heaven.  This lesson will be taught this up coming Sunday.  I wanted some VISUALS…that were a “little” different than the VISUALS I have been using….So, I began to think…….(insert cricket sound here.) Well, after a few days of pondering this is…

  • Elijah’s Whirlwind Ride

     Have you ever been so excited about a lesson…that you could hardly wait to teach it to the KIDDOS?  Well, I have been SOOOOOO excited about this lesson for a really LOOOOONG time.  As I was writing my lesson, coming up with activities, memory verses, crafts, etc.  I could not help but imagine the MAJESTY…