Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Category: End of the Quarter Review

  • REVIEW TIME!!! Creation-Tower of Babel

    Today was our FIRST of two REVIEW DAYS!!  I, personally feel that REVIEW days are so beneficial.    It lets me ascertain the KIDDOS progress.  I want to make sure they understand what they have been learning.  I want to make sure they can tell me the stories in order.  I want to make sure…

  • Review Northern Nation of Israel & Conference

    WOW!!!!  We have had a WONDERFUL Adventure Exploring through the History of the Northern Nation of Israel.  This SUNDAY brings this series of lessons to a close.  So, we will have a Review and Conference Sunday.  During class time we will review ALL that we covered….AT the end of class I will have a short…

  • Paint Paddles Turned Bible Facts Review Sticks!!!

    Paint Paddles are NOT just for mixing paint.  🙂  I Decided to make some Bible Facts Review Sticks. These are based off something I saw on Pinterest.  (BTW, I love Pinterest!!!)     I have by no means exhausted ALL the Bible Facts, List, People, etc.  Matter-of-Fact, I need to finish the one I am making for…

  • Our next lesson is about David and Mephibosheth.   We will be focusing on COMPASSION and KEEPING OUR PROMISES.    This is a wonderful story to illustrate then need for  compassion and keeping our promises.  I love this story!!   I decided to make my OWN visuals for this story.  I will have my “Mephibosheth” hobble up to…

  • Reviewing The Books Of The Bible

    I just wanted to share our NEWEST “ATTRACTION.”  The kiddos are sooooooo excited about this.   My Wednesday CO-Teacher wanted to REVIEW the BOOKS of the BIBLE with the KIDDOS.  We were sitting and visiting about different WAYS to make sure the kiddos have the books of the BIBLE memorized.  We decided to go with an…

  • Teaching Basic Facts About the BIBLE!!!!

    I was recently asked HOW I TEACH the KIDDOS some of the BASIC BIBLE FACTS about the BIBLE ITSELF.   I MUST tell you that I review this information often, normally weekly!!!       SO, this is how I help my KIDDOS remember the BIBLE BASICS! I have used this “BIBLE” picture for YEARS….  I colored it,…

  • David Crowned King

    I was THRILLED with the way Bible Class went Sunday Morning.  Our lesson was about David being CROWNED King.    We reviewed the FACTS about the life of David.  We talked about the fact that Saul had attempted to kill him.  We talked about how David respected Saul and did not kill him even when he…

  • Saul Anointed King of Hebrews by Samuel

    Our recent lesson on  Saul being anointed King of the Hebrews was a WONDERFUL success.    The kiddos were very excited about this lesson.   We began by reviewing the life of Samuel.    Samuel was a wonderful JUDGE for the Hebrews.  The Hebrews loved Samuel very much and knew he was getting e other old.  They decided…

  • Eli, Hannah and Samuel…..Exploring Bible History

    We have JUST begun our NEW UNIT!!!!!!  We are going to be EXPLORING  and  learning about Eli, Samuel, Saul, David and Solomon.  We are going to be VERY BUSY over the next quarter. This is the way I “CONTAIN” my teaching materials….I use a BIG BINDER and plastic sleeves—-LOTS OF PLASTIC SLEEVES!!!!!!   I am PRAYING…

  • Fruit of the Spirit Review and “Conference” Day.

    Today was REVIEW DAY.  The children LOVE looking back at ALL the Lessons they have learned!!!  I enjoy review day too.  It gives me an opportunity to stop and look at what all we have accomplished!!!!!! Today the kiddos were greeted with the Review Table.  On the Table were all the “Take Home” activities that…