Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Category: Explorer Journal

  • David Crowned King

    I was THRILLED with the way Bible Class went Sunday Morning.  Our lesson was about David being CROWNED King.    We reviewed the FACTS about the life of David.  We talked about the fact that Saul had attempted to kill him.  We talked about how David respected Saul and did not kill him even when he…

  • A Bible Book Bag As A Special Surprise E.A.A.

    The Kiddos had a SPECIAL SURPRISE as their E.A.A.  (Early Arrival Activity.)  I decided to give each of my Kiddos a “Special” bag.  I explained that this “Special” bag was their “BIBLE CLASS Bag.”  I told them this bag was to come to Bible Class with them EVERY TIME they come to class.   I let…

  • Best Friends: David and Jonathan

    I am EXTREMELY excited!!!!!!  My excitement stems from the fact that this upcoming Sunday begins my NEW Quarter with the KIDDOS.  We are continuing to EXPLORE Bible History.  We will be wearing our “Explorer Hats” and singing “We Are Bible Explorers.”   We do this at the beginning of each NEW Quarter.  Since we left off…

  • Cubby Shelving Unit and Word Wall.

    I LOVE finding bargains that fill a desire I have had for my Bible Class Room.  I recently found this shelving unit for $8.00 at a local Thrift Store.  I was extremely excited.  I had wanted the kiddos to have their own CUBBY (storage) and this perfectly fulfilled the desire.  I could hardly wait to…

  • Saul Anointed King of Hebrews by Samuel

    Our recent lesson on  Saul being anointed King of the Hebrews was a WONDERFUL success.    The kiddos were very excited about this lesson.   We began by reviewing the life of Samuel.    Samuel was a wonderful JUDGE for the Hebrews.  The Hebrews loved Samuel very much and knew he was getting e other old.  They decided…

  • God Called Samuel Exploring Bible History

    The kiddos are sooo excited about this “NEW” material.  We are truly on an EXPLORATION!  I love it when their eyes light up in AWE about what they are hearing from GOD’S Word.         Our recent lesson was about GOD calling Samuel.  I reminded the kiddos that GOD did NOT speak directly to…

  • Eli, Hannah and Samuel…..Exploring Bible History

    We have JUST begun our NEW UNIT!!!!!!  We are going to be EXPLORING  and  learning about Eli, Samuel, Saul, David and Solomon.  We are going to be VERY BUSY over the next quarter. This is the way I “CONTAIN” my teaching materials….I use a BIG BINDER and plastic sleeves—-LOTS OF PLASTIC SLEEVES!!!!!!   I am PRAYING…

  • Fruit of the Spirit Review and “Conference” Day.

    Today was REVIEW DAY.  The children LOVE looking back at ALL the Lessons they have learned!!!  I enjoy review day too.  It gives me an opportunity to stop and look at what all we have accomplished!!!!!! Today the kiddos were greeted with the Review Table.  On the Table were all the “Take Home” activities that…

  • Fruit of the Spirit—-Self-Control

    I  cannot believe we are coming to the end of our study of the Fruit of the Spirit.  The kiddos have enjoyed this material very much.  They have learned sooo much.  This material was a continual challenge for me….normally I write my material in a chronological fashion….however, with this material we looked at several different…

  • Fruit of the Spirit—–Faithfulness

    I want to apologize for the delay in  updating you on the progress of our Fruit of The Spirit unit.  I have been very busy as of late.  I made a trip to Indiana for a weekend of edification!!!!  There were 317 Christian Ladies gathered together for the purpose of learning, sharing, encouraging and edifying…