Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Category: game

  • REVIEW WEEK—Milk Carton Chute

    Our Review Week is coming up soon.  We ALWAYS have a BIG REVIEW at the end of a QUARTER.  I normally PULL out something from each PAST lesson to display on REVIEW SUNDAY.  I will post pics of our REVIEW SUNDAY soon.  But, in preparation for REVIEW Sunday, I made a simple and yet FUN…

  • Solomon Shares His Wisdom Through The Proverbs

    This weeks lesson is ALL about Solomon Sharing His Wisdom through the Proverbs.  We will take brief looks at SEVERAL Proverbs….I really would LOVE to spend about 12 weeks on the PROVERBS….but, since I am trying to FOCUS on writing lessons for the KIDDOS focusing on GOD’S AWESOME PLAN for MAN….we only spend 2 weeks…

  • KIDDOS Build “Solomon’s Temple”

    Just a quick post to show you why my KIDDOS AMAZE me.   As you know we “PLAYED” a REVIEW GAME during our LESSON on Solomon Builds The Temple.    The “GAME” went like this:  I asked the KIDDOS a question from the LESSON and they’d answer.  If they got the answer correct they added a BLOCK…

  • Solomon Asks For Wisdom

    Our next lesson is about Solomon being crowned KING.  Our focus during this lesson will be focused upon Solomon’s request for WISDOM.    We will be looking at the IMPORTANCE of WISDOM and how we get WISDOM today.     As you can tell from the picture on the left…we have added a few facts about Solomon to…

  • Beach Ball Review Game.

    I just wanted to share a FUN, and EASY to make Review Game.  I figured this would be a great time to share this idea since I saw a bunch of Beach Balls on display at Walmart and the Dollar Store.  So,  I figure they are pretty easy to find in your area too.  I…

  • Another Ealry Arrival Activity E. A. A. Drawing the Days of Creation.

    This will be their EAA (Early Arrival Activity) this Sunday.  Because, I like to REVIEW information, facts and lesson the Kiddos have learned in the past, I decided this would be a FUN one.  We are going to to review the Days of Creation.   Here is the plan….The Early Arrivers will Roll the Die that…

  • Best Friends: David and Jonathan

    I am EXTREMELY excited!!!!!!  My excitement stems from the fact that this upcoming Sunday begins my NEW Quarter with the KIDDOS.  We are continuing to EXPLORE Bible History.  We will be wearing our “Explorer Hats” and singing “We Are Bible Explorers.”   We do this at the beginning of each NEW Quarter.  Since we left off…

  • Trash Into Treasure!!!!

    I was out doing some Thrift Store Shopping recently and I found this “TREASURE.”  I was so excited and immediately knew what I was going to do with it.  I knew I wanted to recode the game and turn it into a BIBLE Matching Game.  I knew one of my favorite clip art programs would…

  • Saul Anointed King of Hebrews by Samuel

    Our recent lesson on  Saul being anointed King of the Hebrews was a WONDERFUL success.    The kiddos were very excited about this lesson.   We began by reviewing the life of Samuel.    Samuel was a wonderful JUDGE for the Hebrews.  The Hebrews loved Samuel very much and knew he was getting e other old.  They decided…

  • God Called Samuel Exploring Bible History

    The kiddos are sooo excited about this “NEW” material.  We are truly on an EXPLORATION!  I love it when their eyes light up in AWE about what they are hearing from GOD’S Word.         Our recent lesson was about GOD calling Samuel.  I reminded the kiddos that GOD did NOT speak directly to…