Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Category: garage sale

  • Finding Visual Aids In UNIQUE Places,

    I HAVE to share this with you.  I am an AVID Garage Sale Shopper!!!  It is one of MY favorite pastimes.  During the Summer, my daughters and I go to Garage Sales every Friday Morning….If the weather permits!  You would be AMAZED at what we find…but, my FAVORITE part is getting to spend quality time…

  • Using Toys to Teach Bible Stories.

    I have to tell you all a story.  My hubby and I went shopping at Toys-R-Us the other day.  You see, my 7 year old son had been saving his “commission” (that is what my kiddos “earn” by doing their chores) to buy a new LEGO set.  Well, we found the LEGO set and I…

  • Beach Ball Review Game.

    I just wanted to share a FUN, and EASY to make Review Game.  I figured this would be a great time to share this idea since I saw a bunch of Beach Balls on display at Walmart and the Dollar Store.  So,  I figure they are pretty easy to find in your area too.  I…

  • Cubby Shelving Unit and Word Wall.

    I LOVE finding bargains that fill a desire I have had for my Bible Class Room.  I recently found this shelving unit for $8.00 at a local Thrift Store.  I was extremely excited.  I had wanted the kiddos to have their own CUBBY (storage) and this perfectly fulfilled the desire.  I could hardly wait to…