Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Category: GOD’S Plan For Man

  • Wise Men Visit Baby Jesus

    We are making progress in our Lesson about the LIFE of JESUS CHRIST.  Due to so many of our KIDDOS being out of town for the Holidays we “paused” our  study.  We used the last month to REVIEW past lessons, Bible Facts and more.  I am so glad that reviewing is a very important part…

  • Baby Jesus’ Presentation in the The Temple

    Our newest lesson is when Mary and Joseph take Baby JESUS to the Temple and they meet Simeon and Anna.   This was a fun lesson to teach.  It was fun to point out that even as a child one can be dedicated to serving GOD.      The KIDDOS should be able to answer all…

  • Life of CHRIST—Angel Gabriel’s Announcement

     I am so excited about this “NEW MATERIAL.”  I have been working on LESSONS on the LIFE OF CHRIST for a while, now.  I am NOT done writing the LESSONS, but I feel I have enough LESSONS written that we can march forward in EXPLORING the LIFE of CHRIST!!!   As always, I teach my…

  • Jacob Dreams Of A Ladder

    We recently had our Lesson about Jacob and his AMAZING dream!!  I LOVE this Bible Story!!!   Our DO YOU KNOW? Wall was filled with the information that I feel the KIDDOS NEED to know. If they are able to answer these questions I feel they understand the LESSON.   Our GOD’S AWESOME PLAN FOR…

  • Abraham & Sarah Special Guest

    This week we are moving forward in our EXPLORATION of Abraham and Sarah.   We are focusing on the time period when the three “special” visitors came and told Abraham that Sarah would have a baby in a year!  What an exciting story!!!   Our DO YOU KNOW? WALL  is ready.   We have a…

  • Creation—GOD’S AWESOME PLAN for MAN

    Sorry to be OFF the GRID for the month of DECEMBER.    It has been a CRAZY, BUSY MONTH!!!  We have had a few changes in PLANS and a few interruptions.  But, hopefully we are back to some since of “NORMAL.” Thanks for your patience.   If you follow me on Facebook, you are already…

  • Judah Goes Into Captivity in Babylon

    WOW, we have come to the END of the study of the KINGS of JUDAH and ISRAEL.    I have enjoyed teaching all these lessons to my KIDDOS.   It is hard to believe that we have reached this point in the HEBREWS history.   Just a reminder, I teach  Early Childhood ages 4 1/2…


    We are finally up to BOX 10!!!    This BOX is the BOX about us today!!  I want the KIDDOS to know that they fit into GOD’S PLAN FOR MAN!! Box 10…..WE WORK TODAY!!!! Currently I have these items in the BOX.  I have a BOY and GIRL puppet.  MIRRORS—so the KIDDOS can see themselves.…


    Can you believe we are up to box 9!!! I hope you are not getting tired of these posts.  With Box 9 we are up to GOD’S PLAN FOR MAN—The Early Church.   Just LIKE my BOX about the LIFE OF JESUS—this is an INCOMPLETE BOX. I have so many items I hope to find…


    We are up to box 8!!!!  This is the box that contains items from the LIFE of OUR LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST!!!   Here is a PEEK into the box…This box is NOT complete!!!  I still have items to add…But, for now, I will go ahead and share with you what I DO have…