Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Category: Isaiah

  • Isaiah Prophesies The Coming of Jesus

    We have a NEW lesson for this Sunday.  We will be leaning about Isaiah prophesying  the Coming of Jesus.  I am excited about this lesson…I get the blessing of showing the KIDDOS one of the FAITH building prophecies of our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST!!!   We will be adding this CARD to our “GOD’S…

  • King Hezekiah and A Sundial Miracle

    This week we are moving forward with our lessons about King Hezekiah.    The KIDDOS will be learning about King Hezekiah’s life being extended.  The story comes from 2 Kings 20 and Isaiah 38.   I LOVE seeing our WALL of INFORMATION GROWING!!!!  It make is so easy to REVIEW PAST lessons!!!   I am…

  • Hezekiah Trust GOD!!

    We are officially back to normal around here.  It is AMAZING what a VACATION and a NEW GRAND BABY can do to your schedule!!  But, it was soooo worth the “interruption.”  We are have been so BLESSED.   While I was away the KIDDOS had a few REVIEWS and were allowed to “make” their favorite…

  • Isaiah: Called to be GOD’S PROPHET

    A new lesson for this upcoming Sunday!!!  We are going to be learning about Isaiah the Prophet.  We will be learning about how he was called by GOD to be a Prophet.  I am so excited about this lesson.  It is such an AMAZING EVENT!! Our Who? What? When? Where? Where? Why? and How Is…