Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Category: israelites

  • Gideon A Judge of Israel

    We are continuing our lessons on the Judges.  This week’s lesson is about Gideon.  Gideon was a humble Judge with a great amount of Faith.  He did as God commanded and had victory over the Midianites.   God told Gideon how to win the battle against the Midianites and Gideon did just as he was told. …

  • Wednesday’s Explorer Journal Activity for Rahab

    This Wednesday the children will be doing the review of the lesson on Rahab and they will do the activity for the Explorer Journal. We had a wonderful class period on Sunday. We had all my students there plus a visitor. I am glad the are all healthy. Hopefully, with the end of winter approaching…

  • Wednesday’s Explorer Journal Activity Balaam and the Talking Donkey

    Our Wednesday night review is taught by another teacher…I am currently teaching a YOUNG LADIES Bible Class on Wednesday Nights. However, I want to keep you updated on what we do in our Wednesday Night Review Nights. This past Wednesday night the teacher reviewed the story of Balaam and the Talking Donkey. Again, the children…

  • Balaam and the Talking Donkey

    This is our LAST lesson in the second book of my Exploring Bible History Curriculum. The children have really enjoyed these lessons…and we will shortly be going on into book THREE…however we have a few weeks of REVIEWING FUN COMING UP FIRST. I will post about our review days. This lesson was about Balaam and…

  • On Wednesday night, the children had a new teacher. She will still be teaching my materials. She will be reviewing the story we learned on Sunday with them and doing their Explorer Journal Activity.This weeks Explorer Journal Activity is a Golden Calf Picture, The children colored the altar gold, using a gold paint pen, add…

  • The Golden Calf

    The lesson about the Golden Calf was a hit with the kids. We learned how the Hebrews were impatient people and decided they wanted a god. Aaron made them a golden calf and they began to worship it. We talked about how having idols in our life is NEVER pleasing to God. For the Sunday’s…

  • The Ten Commandments

    We have been studying the story of the 10 Commandments for the last two weeks. There is soooo much information on the Mount Sinai story that I decided we needed to take it a bit slower. So, here is some of what I did with the children during this study. We focused on the fact…

  • The Red Sea Story

    I will be a the first to admit that this has been a busy week. We have had appointments, Bible classes, school conferences, and so much more going on this week. That made for an extremely busy week. So, I had to make my time management a MUST! This Sunday and next we will be…

  • Wednesday’s Explorer Journal Activity….

    As you know Wednesday Evening is time for reviewing what the children learned on Sunday Morning. On Wednesday Evening, we do our Explorer Journal Activity. The Explorer Journal Activity this week is the 10 Plagues. The children will be coloring, gluing and sticking 3D items to the “Plagues Pyramid.” This activity will then be placed…

  • Sunday is a Coming…..and I can hardly wait!!!

    Sunday is coming and I am so excited about this lesson on the plagues. I have my room ready and have made a few more items for the purpose of teaching this lesson. I used clipart from phillipmartin.com to make a standing Pharaoh and Moses. I printed them, laminated them, and attatched them to toliet…