Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Category: King Hezekiah

  • King Hezekiah and A Sundial Miracle

    This week we are moving forward with our lessons about King Hezekiah.    The KIDDOS will be learning about King Hezekiah’s life being extended.  The story comes from 2 Kings 20 and Isaiah 38.   I LOVE seeing our WALL of INFORMATION GROWING!!!!  It make is so easy to REVIEW PAST lessons!!!   I am…

  • Hezekiah Trust GOD!!

    We are officially back to normal around here.  It is AMAZING what a VACATION and a NEW GRAND BABY can do to your schedule!!  But, it was soooo worth the “interruption.”  We are have been so BLESSED.   While I was away the KIDDOS had a few REVIEWS and were allowed to “make” their favorite…