Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Category: King Solomon


    Welcome to BOX 5.  This is our period of the KINGS BOX. Here is a QUICK PEEK.   This is what I currently have in this box.  I do NOT have all my little KINGS of JUDAH in the box—they are currently on display on the table, since we are learning about them!   Here…

  • REVIEW WEEK—Milk Carton Chute

    Our Review Week is coming up soon.  We ALWAYS have a BIG REVIEW at the end of a QUARTER.  I normally PULL out something from each PAST lesson to display on REVIEW SUNDAY.  I will post pics of our REVIEW SUNDAY soon.  But, in preparation for REVIEW Sunday, I made a simple and yet FUN…

  • Solomon Shares His Wisdom Through The Proverbs

    This weeks lesson is ALL about Solomon Sharing His Wisdom through the Proverbs.  We will take brief looks at SEVERAL Proverbs….I really would LOVE to spend about 12 weeks on the PROVERBS….but, since I am trying to FOCUS on writing lessons for the KIDDOS focusing on GOD’S AWESOME PLAN for MAN….we only spend 2 weeks…

  • KIDDOS Build “Solomon’s Temple”

    Just a quick post to show you why my KIDDOS AMAZE me.   As you know we “PLAYED” a REVIEW GAME during our LESSON on Solomon Builds The Temple.    The “GAME” went like this:  I asked the KIDDOS a question from the LESSON and they’d answer.  If they got the answer correct they added a BLOCK…

  • Solomon Builds The Temple

    What a wonderful SUNDAY!!!  The KIDDOS were in a GREAT mood.  I love it when they all arrive early/on time and have seemed to have had a good nights rest.     Our lesson this week was about King Solomon building the Temple.  This was a interesting lesson to teach 4-7 year olds.  They really seemed to…