Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Category: maps

  • Child’s Table Turn Interactive Bible Time Visual Map!!!

    Just wanted to share a VISUAL AID that I REALLY LOVE!!!!! This is a WONDERFUL Visual Aid.  It is interactive and the Kiddos really LOVE this one too!!  This is one of those VISUAL AIDS that stays in my classroom ALL THE TIME!!!! It is so convenient to use, simply by having it in the…

  • Eli, Hannah and Samuel…..Exploring Bible History

    We have JUST begun our NEW UNIT!!!!!!  We are going to be EXPLORING  and  learning about Eli, Samuel, Saul, David and Solomon.  We are going to be VERY BUSY over the next quarter. This is the way I “CONTAIN” my teaching materials….I use a BIG BINDER and plastic sleeves—-LOTS OF PLASTIC SLEEVES!!!!!!   I am PRAYING…

  • Fruit of the Spirit

    Today was the beginning of a NEW Quarter for my students.  With a new quarter….we are beginning new material.   Our Theme for the Quarter….I LOVE the bright colors. We are EXPLORING the FRUIT of THE SPIRIT from Galatians 5.   The kiddos were so excited to see all the NEW items in the classroom.  I even…

  • Armor of God Exploring Bible History New Testament Lessons 2

    I have been busy this week.  Still playing a bit of catch up since my daughter Sarah’s wedding and vacation.  So, I  spent some time getting the kiddo’s “Explorer Journals” made.  This quarter our Explorer Journals are light blue.  They match the time line boards that  are in our bible classes  hallway. As I promised,…

  • Armor of God Exploring Bible History New Testament Lessons

    Today was the beginning of our new “Theme.”  We are Exploring the Armor of God.   Paul wrote the Letter to the brethren in Ephesus.  They lived under the Roman Government and were completely aware of the Armor a Soldier wore.   The kiddos were excited to get started with this new topic.  However, I was asked…

  • Joshua and The Judges

    NEW QUARTER — More EXPLORING!!!! This past Sunday we began our new quarter in our Exploring Bible History Curriculum. I have been soooo busy writing and producing materials for this new quarter that I have NOT had much time to blog. But, now that the quarter has begun, I will try to let you all…