Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Category: Memorizing Bible Facts

  • Life of Christ…. The Beatitudes

    The KIDDOS are enjoying the continued Exploration of The Life of JESUS CHRIST! Our Exploring has brought us to the Sermon on The Mount…In this lesson we are Exploring the Beatitudes.   With that being said, I used this LESSON as an opportunity to teach the KIDDOS the BEATITUDES.  These are one of our BADGES for…

  • Memorizing Psalms 23 Pre K- 1st Graders

    As you are aware, I love to work with the KIDDOS on Memorizing Bible Facts.  Our KIDDOS have the opportunity to earn “Bible Badges” by memorizing IMPORTANT BIBLE FACTS!! You can view our  Bible Badges    via the link provided.  This is an ever growing process, as we seem to be adding more and more…

  • Memorizing Important Bible Facts

    We are focusing on MEMORIZING important BIBLE Facts.  That being said, we needed a way to TRACK our KIDDOS progress.  So, we decided on a BADGE EARNING SYSTEM.    Each time the KIDDOS can RECITE the ASSIGNED MEMORY WORK, they will earn a BADGE to attach to their “BIBLE BOOKMARK.” We titled our board, “WE…

  • Toddler Class is Memorizing the DAYS of CREATION Bible Facts

    Each of our classes are working on Memorizing their Basic Bible Facts.   Each teacher has decided on their own way to incorporate Basic Bible Fact Memorization time into their classroom schedule.   The TODDLER class teachers decided to make WORLD POCKETS for each of their KIDDOS.   Their is a pocket on the back…

  • Memorizing Bible Facts Motivational Bulletin Board on a Door

     I shared with you, yesterday, our desire to reinforce the KIDDOS Basic Bible Facts knowledge.   Our congregation is working with our KIDDOS and expects them to be able to Memorize their Basic Bible Facts.  So, that left it up to us teachers to come up with MOTIVATIONAL ideas for our KIDDOS.   I decided…

  • Bible Facts Review Stick!! Days of Creation

    We are WORKING on BASIC BIBLE FACTS. We have a once a month class called “ROCK”  for our KIDDOS.  “ROCK” stands for InRiching Our Children’s Knowledge.  During the ROCK class the KIDDOS have the opportunity to say their memory verses, tell what they have been doing in their class, share their answers to the weekly…