Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Category: New Uses for Everyday Items.

  • Bible Facts Review Stick!! Days of Creation

    We are WORKING on BASIC BIBLE FACTS. We have a once a month class called “ROCK”  for our KIDDOS.  “ROCK” stands for InRiching Our Children’s Knowledge.  During the ROCK class the KIDDOS have the opportunity to say their memory verses, tell what they have been doing in their class, share their answers to the weekly…

  • Milk Cap Mania!!! Memorizing the Books of The Bible Using Milk Caps!!!

    I know I have posted about this before….but, I wanted to give you a PROGRESS UPDATE!!   Click on this link to see the previous post Memorizing The BOOKS OF THE BIBLE using MILK CAPS!! I am THRILLED with the KIDDOS progress in Memorizing the BOOKS of THE BIBLE!!!  They are all doing sooo well.    It…


    Our  2nd-4th Graders have been learning about the Life of CHRIST.  Such a WONDERFUL TOPIC.  I am looking forward to ONE day getting to WRITE and TEACH lessons on the LIFE of CHRIST for my KIDDOS. These KIDDOS are so much fun and so SMART!   So, we wanted to give them a bit of…