Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Category: recycle

  • Coffee Can Turned Tower of Babel

    We had several coffee can donated to us….So, we decided to make a TOWER OF BABEL Building Set.    We did this for the 2 year old to 4 year old class.  They were easy peasy to make.  We simply wrapped each can with Stone Pattern Bulletin Board Boarder Paper and Taped it on with…

  • Diaper Wipe Lids turned PUSH BUTTON BIBLE GAME!!!

    Kiddos LOVE to push buttons, they love to explore and they love playing “GAMES.” So, when you can put ALL THREE of those LOVES together it make for GREAT LEARNING and a BIT of FUN!!   What makes this REVIEW GAME even better is that it is made from donated diaper wipe lids, scraps of…

  • Milk Caps Books of The Bible Memorizing

    I am THRILLED to say that we have completed collecting our Books of The Bible Milk Caps.  This was a loooong activity.  Since there are 66 books in the Bible we have been working on collecting our milk caps for over a year!! The KIDDOS have WORKED really hard and have had fun “earning” their…

  • Memory Verse Tracker

    I try to come up with fun and exciting ways to TRACK the KIDDOS Memory Verses.    Well, this is what I decided to do this quarter. The KIDDOS will be earning a CRAFT STICK each week…by having their Memory Verse Memorized!!! The containers were donated to our classroom. They are similar to crystal light…

  • Bible Facts Review Stick!! Days of Creation

    We are WORKING on BASIC BIBLE FACTS. We have a once a month class called “ROCK”  for our KIDDOS.  “ROCK” stands for InRiching Our Children’s Knowledge.  During the ROCK class the KIDDOS have the opportunity to say their memory verses, tell what they have been doing in their class, share their answers to the weekly…

  • Tower of Babel

    We have had a few “bumps” on our Exploring of Bible History. I have been out of town, been sick, got well, fell sick again. Kinda a rough few weeks. But, we are MOVING forward. This Sunday the KIDDOS will be learning about the Tower of Babel.    Our DO YOU KNOW? Wall is ready!!…

  • Memory Verse Reward/Tracker

     I LOVE encouraging my KIDDOS to Memorize Memory Verses.  I have used PUZZLES, BEADS, STICKERS, etc.  to TRACK the KIDDOS SUCCESS in getting those Memory Verses Memorized.   Well, I had a BUNCH of these little Tomato containers.  They were all given to me by one of our members.  I LOVE it when Members of…

  • Who? What? When? Where? Where? Why? and How? Review Game

    Wanted to share our NEWEST Review “Game.”   The KIDDOS will be “playing” this game on Wednesday Evenings.  It will be a way to see if they remember what they have learned.  ðŸ™‚  I feel that if the KIDDOS are able to answer the Who? What? When? Where? Where? Why? and How is this important…


    Can you believe we are up to box 9!!! I hope you are not getting tired of these posts.  With Box 9 we are up to GOD’S PLAN FOR MAN—The Early Church.   Just LIKE my BOX about the LIFE OF JESUS—this is an INCOMPLETE BOX. I have so many items I hope to find…


    We are now up to BOX 7—BACK HOME.  This box contains TOYS that will help bring to remembrance the Return to Judah.      I do NOT have everything I want to have in this BOX…but, I am always looking and can always add to it.   Here is what I currently have in this…