Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Category: repurpose

  • Asa a LOYAL KING

    This SUNDAY we begin EXPLORING the KINGS of JUDAH!!!  When the KIDDOS arrive I have a “SURPRISE” waiting for them.  Hanging on the back of each of my KIDDOS chairs is a NEW Bible Class Bag!!!  I have placed new cards in our “DO YOU KNOW” Pocket Chart.  I am always PLEASED when the KIDDOS…

  • Milk Cap for Memorizing the Books of The Bible

    I LOVE to teach KIDDOS the BOOKS OF THE BIBLE.  I love to hear them SAY the Books of the Bible.  My favorite is to hear them attempt to say Deuteronomy!!!     I have used several different METHODS of encouraging the KIDDOS to MEMORIZE the books of the BIBLE.  We have made a BOOKS of The…

  • Lap Book Activity from the 2nd-4th Grade Class

    I love being able to highlight some of our other teacher’s work and ideas.  We are blessed, at our congregation, to have very creative,  dedicated and talented teachers.   I have previously highlighted the BEAUTIFUL LAPBOOKS that our 2nd-4th grade class have made.  This is their LATEST Lapbookk.  They have been leaning about the Divided Kingdom,…

  • A BIG FISH Story. Jonah the Prophet

     I am so EXCITED about this LESSON.  I know the KIDDOS will LOVE this one!!!!   It is a WONDERFUL story and teaches the KIDDOS so many attributes of GOD.  HE is ALL KNOWING.  HE is ALL POWERFUL.  HE is ALWAYS PRESENT!    GOD is TRULY AMAZING!!!!  This is a GREAT story to TEACH the WONDERFUL NATURE…

  • Cookie Container/Fiery Furnace

    If you remember a few weeks ago I shared with you a “WORK in PROGRESS…”   I hope this PICTURE will help you remember. Well, I finally got around to doing what I wanted to do…  YOU see, I had in mind a Fiery Furnace for the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.   I do…

  • FLIP YOUR LID!!!! Bible Facts Review Game

     We have a new EARLY ARRIVER ACTIVITY! I have been slowly collecting these tops to LYSOL wipes…..You could use ANY brand you like…I just happened to have LYSOL brand wipes,  so I that is what I am currently using. However, I put the word out and have had several donations  of lids come in from…

  • Save The TRASH!!!

    If you follow me on FACEBOOK you already know all about this….I want to encourage you to USE it ALL!!!   You see, I use a LOT of Sticky Foam Dots.  I LOVE the 3D effect that these Foam Dots give to items on pages.   But, I have a little secret.  I SAVE all the…


    Can you believe I had a few “SPARE” minutes this morning. So, I began to “PLAY.”    I had collected a bunch of these containers this past Summer.  We used them while we traveled…They are great for snacking and fit perfectly in a cup holder.  When the KIDDOS were done with their treats….I would use…

  • Memory Verse “REWARD”

    I was THRILLED to find these are the Dollar Tree!!!  AND, I will NOT be using them for a BABY SHOWER!!!  🙂  I will be using them for our NEWEST way to TRACK our MEMORY VERSES.   I know you are probably thinking I am a bit crazy….but, let me explain… You see, I had an…

  • Kings of the Divided Nations

    I wanted to share with you the FINISHED product!!!  Remember, I showed you those CROWN DOOR HANGERS, that I had found at the Dollar Tree…..Well, this is what I ended up doing with them!!!  I took a SMILY FACE/FROWNY FACE and hot glued it to the back…that way the KIDDOS would know if the King…