Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Category: Review Game

  • A PEEK at “JONAH” in the GREAT FISH

    Just wanted to share some pics of one of my KIDDOS in the GREAT BIG FISH.    We took pictures of All of the KIDDOS in the GREAT BIG FISH!  We will be using the pictures in the future.  The KIDDOS LOVED getting in the FISH!!!! I LOVE this one!!!!   PRAYING “JONAH.” 

  • A BIG FISH Story. Jonah the Prophet

     I am so EXCITED about this LESSON.  I know the KIDDOS will LOVE this one!!!!   It is a WONDERFUL story and teaches the KIDDOS so many attributes of GOD.  HE is ALL KNOWING.  HE is ALL POWERFUL.  HE is ALWAYS PRESENT!    GOD is TRULY AMAZING!!!!  This is a GREAT story to TEACH the WONDERFUL NATURE…

  • A Floating Axe Head.

    First thing first….THIS has been a ROUGH few weeks.  We have had some sort of sickness running rampant through our home.  My oldest son brought it home with him a few weeks back.  Since then we have all seemed to be dropping like dead flies.  I was the last fly to drop….and when I did…

  • Naaman Had Leprosy

     We are ALL excited around here…We are getting ready to learn about Naaman.  I love this story for so many reasons. We will focus on the HISTORY of this story.  The facts that Elisha, GOD’S prophet, was performing miracles.   We will look at how Naaman refused to do something so simple…because, he wanted something more…

  • FLIP YOUR LID!!!! Bible Facts Review Game

     We have a new EARLY ARRIVER ACTIVITY! I have been slowly collecting these tops to LYSOL wipes…..You could use ANY brand you like…I just happened to have LYSOL brand wipes,  so I that is what I am currently using. However, I put the word out and have had several donations  of lids come in from…

  • Kings of the Divided Nations

    I wanted to share with you the FINISHED product!!!  Remember, I showed you those CROWN DOOR HANGERS, that I had found at the Dollar Tree…..Well, this is what I ended up doing with them!!!  I took a SMILY FACE/FROWNY FACE and hot glued it to the back…that way the KIDDOS would know if the King…