Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Category: Solomon’s Temple

  • KIDDOS Build “Solomon’s Temple”

    Just a quick post to show you why my KIDDOS AMAZE me.   As you know we “PLAYED” a REVIEW GAME during our LESSON on Solomon Builds The Temple.    The “GAME” went like this:  I asked the KIDDOS a question from the LESSON and they’d answer.  If they got the answer correct they added a BLOCK…

  • Solomon Builds The Temple

    What a wonderful SUNDAY!!!  The KIDDOS were in a GREAT mood.  I love it when they all arrive early/on time and have seemed to have had a good nights rest.     Our lesson this week was about King Solomon building the Temple.  This was a interesting lesson to teach 4-7 year olds.  They really seemed to…

  • Trash Into Treasure….Solomon’s Temple

    OK, as you know we have been under some strange weather here in Oklahoma.  Matter-of-fact, we spent some time in our Tornado shelter this morning at 2:30.  I am thankful we have a shelter.    But, on with the story…  My darling hubby will be preaching a Gospel Meeting in another Oklahoma town this week.  So,…