Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Category: Temple

  • 12 Year Old Jesus In The Temple

    Our continuing Exploration through the Life of Jesus Has brought us to the time when Jesus was 12 years old.    His family Travels to Jerusalem to Celebrate the Passover and He goes with them.  Of Course, You know the Story.  He gets left behind due to His desire to be in the Temple listening…

  • Baby Jesus’ Presentation in the The Temple

    Our newest lesson is when Mary and Joseph take Baby JESUS to the Temple and they meet Simeon and Anna.   This was a fun lesson to teach.  It was fun to point out that even as a child one can be dedicated to serving GOD.      The KIDDOS should be able to answer all…


    We are now up to BOX 7—BACK HOME.  This box contains TOYS that will help bring to remembrance the Return to Judah.      I do NOT have everything I want to have in this BOX…but, I am always looking and can always add to it.   Here is what I currently have in this…


    Welcome to BOX 5.  This is our period of the KINGS BOX. Here is a QUICK PEEK.   This is what I currently have in this box.  I do NOT have all my little KINGS of JUDAH in the box—they are currently on display on the table, since we are learning about them!   Here…

  • Joash Repairs The Temple

    This week we have a NEW lesson for the KIDDOS.  We are going to be learning about Joash wants to repair the Temple of GOD.       We have new Who? What? When? Where? Why? and How? Cards.   We have a NEW card to add to our “GOD’S AWESOME PLAN FOR MAN” wall.    The KIDDOS will…

  • Asa a LOYAL KING

    This SUNDAY we begin EXPLORING the KINGS of JUDAH!!!  When the KIDDOS arrive I have a “SURPRISE” waiting for them.  Hanging on the back of each of my KIDDOS chairs is a NEW Bible Class Bag!!!  I have placed new cards in our “DO YOU KNOW” Pocket Chart.  I am always PLEASED when the KIDDOS…

  • Trash Into Treasure….Solomon’s Temple

    OK, as you know we have been under some strange weather here in Oklahoma.  Matter-of-fact, we spent some time in our Tornado shelter this morning at 2:30.  I am thankful we have a shelter.    But, on with the story…  My darling hubby will be preaching a Gospel Meeting in another Oklahoma town this week.  So,…