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Category: visual aid

  • The Ravens Fed Elijah 3D Visual

     I forgot to share this PIC with all of you.   I wanted a 3D visual for the KIDDOS with this story.  So, this is what I decided to do…I printed all the WATER, TREES, and ELIJAH from my clip art programs.  I laminated them for sturdiness.   The RAVEN are all from Dollar Tree.  I purchased…

  • The Divided Kingdom…Jeroboam WAS NAUGHTY

    Who? What? When? Where? Why? & How?    This Sunday we will be officially on to lesson two of the Divided Kingdom.  Since I am blessed to teach a lesson one week and then REVIEW the lesson the next week…each lesson last me two weeks.  This really is a blessing, as I am writing these…

  • Finding Visual Aids In UNIQUE Places,

    I HAVE to share this with you.  I am an AVID Garage Sale Shopper!!!  It is one of MY favorite pastimes.  During the Summer, my daughters and I go to Garage Sales every Friday Morning….If the weather permits!  You would be AMAZED at what we find…but, my FAVORITE part is getting to spend quality time…

  • Solomon Builds The Temple

    What a wonderful SUNDAY!!!  The KIDDOS were in a GREAT mood.  I love it when they all arrive early/on time and have seemed to have had a good nights rest.     Our lesson this week was about King Solomon building the Temple.  This was a interesting lesson to teach 4-7 year olds.  They really seemed to…

  • Using Toys to Teach Bible Stories.

    I have to tell you all a story.  My hubby and I went shopping at Toys-R-Us the other day.  You see, my 7 year old son had been saving his “commission” (that is what my kiddos “earn” by doing their chores) to buy a new LEGO set.  Well, we found the LEGO set and I…

  • Paper Rocks Become Altar, Well and Memorial

    A “BLAST from the PAST!!!”  I made these “ROCKS” a LONG time ago.  And, they have been used for so many Bible Lessons.   They may not look impressive here…but, they do get TRANSFORMED…  just keep on reading.  🙂      As you can see they started off as simple paper sacks stuffed with news paper. …

  • Trash Into Treasure….Solomon’s Temple

    OK, as you know we have been under some strange weather here in Oklahoma.  Matter-of-fact, we spent some time in our Tornado shelter this morning at 2:30.  I am thankful we have a shelter.    But, on with the story…  My darling hubby will be preaching a Gospel Meeting in another Oklahoma town this week.  So,…

  • David Crowned King

    I was THRILLED with the way Bible Class went Sunday Morning.  Our lesson was about David being CROWNED King.    We reviewed the FACTS about the life of David.  We talked about the fact that Saul had attempted to kill him.  We talked about how David respected Saul and did not kill him even when he…

  • Themes Of The OLD TESTAMENT BOOK turned Bulletin Board

    Still making a few changes in our classroom.  We are going to start working on a “BASIC Theme” to each book of the BIBLE.   I figure if I can get the kiddos to memorize the little RHYME  for each book…then they will always remember what each book of the Bible is basically about.  I labeled…

  • Rearranging Classroom To Build New Excitement For The Kiddos.

    I am still doing a bit of rearranging of our Bible Classroom.  I think it excites the Kiddos…when they come in the room and things are changed up a bit.    I have added a few new things to our room too.    I will be sharing a few of them with you today….but, keep checking back….I…