Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Category: visuals

  • Elijah’s Whirlwind Ride

     Have you ever been so excited about a lesson…that you could hardly wait to teach it to the KIDDOS?  Well, I have been SOOOOOO excited about this lesson for a really LOOOOONG time.  As I was writing my lesson, coming up with activities, memory verses, crafts, etc.  I could not help but imagine the MAJESTY…

  • CLIP ART TURNED Visuals–Elijah and the Prophets of Baal

    I know this is a little LATE…and, I had already shown you MOST of the VISUALS I used for this past weeks lesson.  However, I decided to GO a LITTLE farther with my VISUALS.   I wanted to make sure the KIDDOS could really VISUALIZE the story as I told the story to them.  …

  • New Attendance Charts for Autumn

    With Autumn quickly approaching, I decided to do an Autumn Themed attendance board.  I am thrilled with how it turned out.    The board Title reads:  “Fall” In  For Bible Class!              I LOVE the Autumn Colors…and I LOVE how excited the KIDDOS get when there are CHANGES in the…

  • The Ravens Fed Elijah (GOD WILL PROVIDE!)

    I am beyond excited about this lesson.  I know the KIDDOS will LOVE learning all about the Ravens Feeding Elijah.  I LOVE how GOD takes care of HIS FOLLOWERS.    There is so many exciting aspects to this lesson…Although, we will focus on the HISTORY of this lesson…we will make sure to DRAW out the conclusion…

  • The Divided Kingdom…Jeroboam WAS NAUGHTY

    Who? What? When? Where? Why? & How?    This Sunday we will be officially on to lesson two of the Divided Kingdom.  Since I am blessed to teach a lesson one week and then REVIEW the lesson the next week…each lesson last me two weeks.  This really is a blessing, as I am writing these…

  • The Divided Kingdom

    Sometimes it is HARD to get things rolling after coming off vacation.  This year was NO different.  Unpacking, cleaning, shopping, birthday parties, my youngest son needing staples in his head…you, know just the normal day to day responsibilities that come with being a wife and mom.  🙂   However, I have been working on some changes…

  • Finding Visual Aids In UNIQUE Places,

    I HAVE to share this with you.  I am an AVID Garage Sale Shopper!!!  It is one of MY favorite pastimes.  During the Summer, my daughters and I go to Garage Sales every Friday Morning….If the weather permits!  You would be AMAZED at what we find…but, my FAVORITE part is getting to spend quality time…

  • Personal White Boards Make GREAT Teaching Aides.

    As you know, I ALWAYS have some sort of EAA (Early Arrivers Activity) for my KIDDOS.  I usually have the same EAA for 2 weeks.  I try to CHANGE out the EAA’S often…yet keep a bit of consistency during a particular lesson. If this is your first time coming to the HANDS ON BIBLE TEACHER…

  • Solomon Builds The Temple

    What a wonderful SUNDAY!!!  The KIDDOS were in a GREAT mood.  I love it when they all arrive early/on time and have seemed to have had a good nights rest.     Our lesson this week was about King Solomon building the Temple.  This was a interesting lesson to teach 4-7 year olds.  They really seemed to…

  • Using Toys to Teach Bible Stories.

    I have to tell you all a story.  My hubby and I went shopping at Toys-R-Us the other day.  You see, my 7 year old son had been saving his “commission” (that is what my kiddos “earn” by doing their chores) to buy a new LEGO set.  Well, we found the LEGO set and I…