Hands On Bible Teacher Title
  • Abraham “GET UP and GO.”

    Abraham “GET UP and GO.”

    Do You KNOW?  Wall. BULLETIN BOARD We have begun our EXPLORATION of the Patriarchs.  I am excited.  The KIDDOS are excited, too. They LOVE new adventures!!! The KIDDOS “NEW” Explorer Journals are READY!!  These are used to keep their Explorer Journal Activities.  The KIDDOS get to take them home at the end of the study.…

  • Abraham “GET UP and GO.”

    Do You KNOW?  Wall. BULLETIN BOARD We have begun our EXPLORATION of the Patriarchs.  I am excited.  The KIDDOS are excited, too. They LOVE new adventures!!! The KIDDOS “NEW” Explorer Journals are READY!!  These are used to keep their Explorer Journal Activities.  The KIDDOS get to take them home at the end of the study.…

  • “POP” On In To Bible Class Attendance Charts

    “POP” On In To Bible Class Attendance Charts

    New Attendance Charts—The KIDDOS will be able to “POP” on in to Bible Class for the NEXT Quarter.      I thought this would be a FUN way to track the KIDDOS attendance.   I made the KIDDOS POP CORN containers on my computer.  I printed them and then glued them to a back board…I…

  • “POP” On In To Bible Class Attendance Charts

    New Attendance Charts—The KIDDOS will be able to “POP” on in to Bible Class for the NEXT Quarter.      I thought this would be a FUN way to track the KIDDOS attendance.   I made the KIDDOS POP CORN containers on my computer.  I printed them and then glued them to a back board…I…

  • Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Bulletin Board— PATRIARCHS

    Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Bulletin Board— PATRIARCHS

    FINALLY!!!  I feel like it has been a looong time….GLAD to be back in “NORMAL” mode.  I have been working in the Bible Classroom a LOT!!!  I had so much to take down, rearrange, and sort!!  Just the putting things BACK were they go can take a REALLY long time.  But, I am always happy…

  • Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Bulletin Board— PATRIARCHS

    FINALLY!!!  I feel like it has been a looong time….GLAD to be back in “NORMAL” mode.  I have been working in the Bible Classroom a LOT!!!  I had so much to take down, rearrange, and sort!!  Just the putting things BACK were they go can take a REALLY long time.  But, I am always happy…

  • Toddler Class is Memorizing the DAYS of CREATION Bible Facts

    Toddler Class is Memorizing the DAYS of CREATION Bible Facts

    Each of our classes are working on Memorizing their Basic Bible Facts.   Each teacher has decided on their own way to incorporate Basic Bible Fact Memorization time into their classroom schedule.   The TODDLER class teachers decided to make WORLD POCKETS for each of their KIDDOS.   Their is a pocket on the back…

  • Toddler Class is Memorizing the DAYS of CREATION Bible Facts

    Each of our classes are working on Memorizing their Basic Bible Facts.   Each teacher has decided on their own way to incorporate Basic Bible Fact Memorization time into their classroom schedule.   The TODDLER class teachers decided to make WORLD POCKETS for each of their KIDDOS.   Their is a pocket on the back…

  • Memorizing Bible Facts Motivational Bulletin Board on a Door

    Memorizing Bible Facts Motivational Bulletin Board on a Door

     I shared with you, yesterday, our desire to reinforce the KIDDOS Basic Bible Facts knowledge.   Our congregation is working with our KIDDOS and expects them to be able to Memorize their Basic Bible Facts.  So, that left it up to us teachers to come up with MOTIVATIONAL ideas for our KIDDOS.   I decided…

  • Memorizing Bible Facts Motivational Bulletin Board on a Door

     I shared with you, yesterday, our desire to reinforce the KIDDOS Basic Bible Facts knowledge.   Our congregation is working with our KIDDOS and expects them to be able to Memorize their Basic Bible Facts.  So, that left it up to us teachers to come up with MOTIVATIONAL ideas for our KIDDOS.   I decided…

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