Hands On Bible Teacher Title
  • Life of Jesus…Let Your Light Shine

    Life of Jesus…Let Your Light Shine

    Our continuing Exploration through the Life of Jesus Has brought us to the time when Jesus is Preaching the Sermon on the Mount.  We did a previous lesson on the Beatitudes and with lesson we will focus on Letting Our Light Shine.  We added NEW CARDS to our DO You Know? Wall.  My Expectation is for the KIDDOS…

  • Life of Jesus…Let Your Light Shine

    Our continuing Exploration through the Life of Jesus Has brought us to the time when Jesus is Preaching the Sermon on the Mount.  We did a previous lesson on the Beatitudes and with lesson we will focus on Letting Our Light Shine.  We added NEW CARDS to our DO You Know? Wall.  My Expectation is for the KIDDOS…

  • Life of Christ…. The Beatitudes

    Life of Christ…. The Beatitudes

    The KIDDOS are enjoying the continued Exploration of The Life of JESUS CHRIST! Our Exploring has brought us to the Sermon on The Mount…In this lesson we are Exploring the Beatitudes.   With that being said, I used this LESSON as an opportunity to teach the KIDDOS the BEATITUDES.  These are one of our BADGES for…

  • Life of Christ…. The Beatitudes

    The KIDDOS are enjoying the continued Exploration of The Life of JESUS CHRIST! Our Exploring has brought us to the Sermon on The Mount…In this lesson we are Exploring the Beatitudes.   With that being said, I used this LESSON as an opportunity to teach the KIDDOS the BEATITUDES.  These are one of our BADGES for…

  • Attendance Chart  “OUT OF THIS WORLD!”

    Attendance Chart “OUT OF THIS WORLD!”

    I am always looking for fun ways to encourage Bible Class Attendance…..I Like to use ATTENDANCE CHARTS that are FUN and EXCITING….Recently, the KIDDOS added Space Ships, Rockets, Planets and Stars to their ATTENDANCE CHARTS….Because, their ATTENDANCE was OUT OF THIS WORLD!!!  The BOYS seemed very excited about this attendance chart.   Remember, Attendance Charts Do…

  • Attendance Chart “OUT OF THIS WORLD!”

    I am always looking for fun ways to encourage Bible Class Attendance…..I Like to use ATTENDANCE CHARTS that are FUN and EXCITING….Recently, the KIDDOS added Space Ships, Rockets, Planets and Stars to their ATTENDANCE CHARTS….Because, their ATTENDANCE was OUT OF THIS WORLD!!!  The BOYS seemed very excited about this attendance chart.   Remember, Attendance Charts Do…

  • Jesus Turns Water To Wine —  Wedding In Cana

    Jesus Turns Water To Wine — Wedding In Cana

    We are making progress learning about the life of JESUS!!   We have learned about HIS birth,  HIS trip to Egypt,  HIS childhood, HIS Baptism, and HIS Apostles.  Now,  we are learning about HIS  first of many Miracles.  Our lesson is all about the Wedding Feast in Cana.   We added NEW CARDS to our DO You Know?…

  • Jesus Turns Water To Wine — Wedding In Cana

    We are making progress learning about the life of JESUS!!   We have learned about HIS birth,  HIS trip to Egypt,  HIS childhood, HIS Baptism, and HIS Apostles.  Now,  we are learning about HIS  first of many Miracles.  Our lesson is all about the Wedding Feast in Cana.   We added NEW CARDS to our DO You Know?…

  • Jesus Said, “Come, Follow Me — Fishers of Men”

    Jesus Said, “Come, Follow Me — Fishers of Men”

    Our continuing Exploration through the Life of Jesus Has brought us to the time when Jesus Calls His Apostles.  We learned about the time when Jesus said, “Come and Follow Me and I Will Make You Fishers of Men.”   We know JESUS was walking by the Sea of Galilee, when HE see Peter and Andrew.  Later, He…

  • Jesus Said, “Come, Follow Me — Fishers of Men”

    Our continuing Exploration through the Life of Jesus Has brought us to the time when Jesus Calls His Apostles.  We learned about the time when Jesus said, “Come and Follow Me and I Will Make You Fishers of Men.”   We know JESUS was walking by the Sea of Galilee, when HE see Peter and Andrew.  Later, He…

Got any book recommendations?