Hands On Bible Teacher Title
  • Working on the Resource Room at the Church Building

    Working on the Resource Room at the Church Building

    It has been a busy few weeks…We have been working on IMPROVING the Resource Room/Library at the church building.  I LOVE organizing….it Just makes me SMILE!!   Our congregation uses Discovering God’s Way Curriculum for all of our classes except for mine. I am being allowed to  WRITE my Curriculum as I teach.  I am so…

  • Working on the Resource Room at the Church Building

    It has been a busy few weeks…We have been working on IMPROVING the Resource Room/Library at the church building.  I LOVE organizing….it Just makes me SMILE!!   Our congregation uses Discovering God’s Way Curriculum for all of our classes except for mine. I am being allowed to  WRITE my Curriculum as I teach.  I am so…

  • Keeping It REAL!!!!

    Keeping It REAL!!!!

    THIS is my TO DO LIST!!!  AND IT IS ALREADY WEDNESDAY!!!!  YIKES!!!!!   I have so many things to GET DONE!!!   JUST wanted to share this with you today…   If I did not have a list…I would NOT get anything completed.  Having a LIST of “TO DOS”  HELPS ME SOOOOOO MUCH!!!! Hope you are prepping for…

  • Keeping It REAL!!!!

    THIS is my TO DO LIST!!!  AND IT IS ALREADY WEDNESDAY!!!!  YIKES!!!!!   I have so many things to GET DONE!!!   JUST wanted to share this with you today…   If I did not have a list…I would NOT get anything completed.  Having a LIST of “TO DOS”  HELPS ME SOOOOOO MUCH!!!! Hope you are prepping for…

  • KIDDOS Draw their FAVORITE STORY from the Kings of Israel

    KIDDOS Draw their FAVORITE STORY from the Kings of Israel

     I LOVE KIDDOS!!!  I LOVE it when KIDDOS draw pictures!!!  I LOVE it when KIDDOS draw pictures about BIBLE STORIES!!!   I wanted to share with you some of the PICTURES my KIDDOS drew on our REVIEW SUNDAY.  You see, I told the KIDDOS they could draw their FAVORITE STORY  from the Lessons we had on…

  • KIDDOS Draw their FAVORITE STORY from the Kings of Israel

     I LOVE KIDDOS!!!  I LOVE it when KIDDOS draw pictures!!!  I LOVE it when KIDDOS draw pictures about BIBLE STORIES!!!   I wanted to share with you some of the PICTURES my KIDDOS drew on our REVIEW SUNDAY.  You see, I told the KIDDOS they could draw their FAVORITE STORY  from the Lessons we had on…

  • Review Northern Nation of Israel  & Conference

    Review Northern Nation of Israel & Conference

    WOW!!!!  We have had a WONDERFUL Adventure Exploring through the History of the Northern Nation of Israel.  This SUNDAY brings this series of lessons to a close.  So, we will have a Review and Conference Sunday.  During class time we will review ALL that we covered….AT the end of class I will have a short…

  • Review Northern Nation of Israel & Conference

    WOW!!!!  We have had a WONDERFUL Adventure Exploring through the History of the Northern Nation of Israel.  This SUNDAY brings this series of lessons to a close.  So, we will have a Review and Conference Sunday.  During class time we will review ALL that we covered….AT the end of class I will have a short…

  • Kings of Israel REVIEW for the KIDDOS

    Kings of Israel REVIEW for the KIDDOS

    I am traveling this week… My HUBBY and I are headed to Florida College to attend a week of Bible Lectures.  It is such a rejuvenation for me.  I also get time to PERUSE the College Bookstore that is filled with various materials PERFECT for Bible Studies and Bible Classes!!!!  I am very excited!!!!  I…

  • Kings of Israel REVIEW for the KIDDOS

    I am traveling this week… My HUBBY and I are headed to Florida College to attend a week of Bible Lectures.  It is such a rejuvenation for me.  I also get time to PERUSE the College Bookstore that is filled with various materials PERFECT for Bible Studies and Bible Classes!!!!  I am very excited!!!!  I…

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