Hands On Bible Teacher Title
  • Milk Cap for Memorizing the Books of The Bible

    Milk Cap for Memorizing the Books of The Bible

    I LOVE to teach KIDDOS the BOOKS OF THE BIBLE.  I love to hear them SAY the Books of the Bible.  My favorite is to hear them attempt to say Deuteronomy!!!     I have used several different METHODS of encouraging the KIDDOS to MEMORIZE the books of the BIBLE.  We have made a BOOKS of The…

  • Milk Cap for Memorizing the Books of The Bible

    I LOVE to teach KIDDOS the BOOKS OF THE BIBLE.  I love to hear them SAY the Books of the Bible.  My favorite is to hear them attempt to say Deuteronomy!!!     I have used several different METHODS of encouraging the KIDDOS to MEMORIZE the books of the BIBLE.  We have made a BOOKS of The…

  • So Sad:  Israel Goes Into Assyrian Captivity

    So Sad: Israel Goes Into Assyrian Captivity

    This weeks lesson brings us to the END of the Nation of Israel.  This is a HARD but NECESSARY lesson.   The KIDDOS NEED to know that GOD KEEPS ALL of HIS PROMISES!  We have learned a LOT of lessons over the past several weeks.  We started with the DIVISION of KINGDOM and will end with…

  • So Sad: Israel Goes Into Assyrian Captivity

    This weeks lesson brings us to the END of the Nation of Israel.  This is a HARD but NECESSARY lesson.   The KIDDOS NEED to know that GOD KEEPS ALL of HIS PROMISES!  We have learned a LOT of lessons over the past several weeks.  We started with the DIVISION of KINGDOM and will end with…

  • A PEEK at “JONAH” in the GREAT FISH

    A PEEK at “JONAH” in the GREAT FISH

    Just wanted to share some pics of one of my KIDDOS in the GREAT BIG FISH.    We took pictures of All of the KIDDOS in the GREAT BIG FISH!  We will be using the pictures in the future.  The KIDDOS LOVED getting in the FISH!!!! I LOVE this one!!!!   PRAYING “JONAH.” 

  • A PEEK at “JONAH” in the GREAT FISH

    Just wanted to share some pics of one of my KIDDOS in the GREAT BIG FISH.    We took pictures of All of the KIDDOS in the GREAT BIG FISH!  We will be using the pictures in the future.  The KIDDOS LOVED getting in the FISH!!!! I LOVE this one!!!!   PRAYING “JONAH.” 

  • Five Minutes Till the Bell Rings!!!

    Five Minutes Till the Bell Rings!!!

    Hi there!!  I know some are wondering WHAT to do with those LAST few MINUTES of CLASS TIME.  Just so you know,  I seem to RUN out of TIME every SUNDAY!!!  I would LOVE to have BIBLE CLASS run 15, 20, 30 more minutes. ๐Ÿ™‚  But, realistically speaking I would probably STILL run out of…

  • Five Minutes Till the Bell Rings!!!

    Hi there!!  I know some are wondering WHAT to do with those LAST few MINUTES of CLASS TIME.  Just so you know,  I seem to RUN out of TIME every SUNDAY!!!  I would LOVE to have BIBLE CLASS run 15, 20, 30 more minutes. ๐Ÿ™‚  But, realistically speaking I would probably STILL run out of…

  • Lap Book Activity from the 2nd-4th Grade Class

    Lap Book Activity from the 2nd-4th Grade Class

    I love being able to highlight some of our other teacher’s work and ideas.  We are blessed, at our congregation, to have very creative,  dedicated and talented teachers.   I have previously highlighted the BEAUTIFUL LAPBOOKS that our 2nd-4th grade class have made.  This is their LATEST Lapbookk.  They have been leaning about the Divided Kingdom,…

  • Lap Book Activity from the 2nd-4th Grade Class

    I love being able to highlight some of our other teacher’s work and ideas.  We are blessed, at our congregation, to have very creative,  dedicated and talented teachers.   I have previously highlighted the BEAUTIFUL LAPBOOKS that our 2nd-4th grade class have made.  This is their LATEST Lapbookk.  They have been leaning about the Divided Kingdom,…

Got any book recommendations?