Hands On Bible Teacher Title
  • Untitled Post

    Untitled Post

    New Attendance Charts!!  OUR BIBLE KNOWLEDGE IS SOARING!!! I LOVE the Hot Air Balloons!!  The KIDDOS love the Hot Air Balloons!!    The KIDDOS add a new HOT AIR BALLOON STICKER each time they come to Bible Class.  This is a FUN Attendance Chart for Spring/Summer.    I like to change out Attendance Charts with…

  • New Attendance Charts!!  OUR BIBLE KNOWLEDGE IS SOARING!!! I LOVE the Hot Air Balloons!!  The KIDDOS love the Hot Air Balloons!!    The KIDDOS add a new HOT AIR BALLOON STICKER each time they come to Bible Class.  This is a FUN Attendance Chart for Spring/Summer.    I like to change out Attendance Charts with…

  • Baptism of Jesus

    Baptism of Jesus

    Our continuing Exploration through the Life of Jesus Has brought us to the time when Jesus was Baptized.   Jesus is now 30 Years Old….and we will shortly begin learning about his teachings and miracles.  However, I wanted the KIDDOS to know all about the Baptism of Jesus.  He never asks us to do something HE was not…

  • Baptism of Jesus

    Our continuing Exploration through the Life of Jesus Has brought us to the time when Jesus was Baptized.   Jesus is now 30 Years Old….and we will shortly begin learning about his teachings and miracles.  However, I wanted the KIDDOS to know all about the Baptism of Jesus.  He never asks us to do something HE was not…

  • 12 Year Old Jesus In The Temple

    12 Year Old Jesus In The Temple

    Our continuing Exploration through the Life of Jesus Has brought us to the time when Jesus was 12 years old.    His family Travels to Jerusalem to Celebrate the Passover and He goes with them.  Of Course, You know the Story.  He gets left behind due to His desire to be in the Temple listening…

  • 12 Year Old Jesus In The Temple

    Our continuing Exploration through the Life of Jesus Has brought us to the time when Jesus was 12 years old.    His family Travels to Jerusalem to Celebrate the Passover and He goes with them.  Of Course, You know the Story.  He gets left behind due to His desire to be in the Temple listening…

  • Wise Men Visit Baby Jesus

    Wise Men Visit Baby Jesus

    We are making progress in our Lesson about the LIFE of JESUS CHRIST.  Due to so many of our KIDDOS being out of town for the Holidays we “paused” our  study.  We used the last month to REVIEW past lessons, Bible Facts and more.  I am so glad that reviewing is a very important part…

  • Wise Men Visit Baby Jesus

    We are making progress in our Lesson about the LIFE of JESUS CHRIST.  Due to so many of our KIDDOS being out of town for the Holidays we “paused” our  study.  We used the last month to REVIEW past lessons, Bible Facts and more.  I am so glad that reviewing is a very important part…

  • Baby Jesus’ Presentation in the The Temple

    Baby Jesus’ Presentation in the The Temple

    Our newest lesson is when Mary and Joseph take Baby JESUS to the Temple and they meet Simeon and Anna.   This was a fun lesson to teach.  It was fun to point out that even as a child one can be dedicated to serving GOD.      The KIDDOS should be able to answer all…

  • Baby Jesus’ Presentation in the The Temple

    Our newest lesson is when Mary and Joseph take Baby JESUS to the Temple and they meet Simeon and Anna.   This was a fun lesson to teach.  It was fun to point out that even as a child one can be dedicated to serving GOD.      The KIDDOS should be able to answer all…

Got any book recommendations?