Hands On Bible Teacher Title
  • New Theme for The Classroom.

    New Theme for The Classroom.

    We’re WILD about Bible Class!!!!!!!! I am so excited.  Life seems to be getting back to a “normal” state.  My husband says it is just the “NEW NORMAL.”  I love my hubby…he keeps me grounded when life gets nutty.   I have been spending the last few days  updating my Bible Classroom!! I decided to…

  • New Theme for The Classroom.

    We’re WILD about Bible Class!!!!!!!! I am so excited.  Life seems to be getting back to a “normal” state.  My husband says it is just the “NEW NORMAL.”  I love my hubby…he keeps me grounded when life gets nutty.   I have been spending the last few days  updating my Bible Classroom!! I decided to…

  • Thanks for your Patience…..Look for new ideas coming soon.

    It has been a VERY BUSY 7 months.  It seems that I am going in fifty directions….ALL at the same time.   I have still be writing and working on materials….I have been Working on updating a BIBLE CLASS song book …and some other visuals.  We are also working on a way to upload a few…

  • Thanks for your Patience…..Look for new ideas coming soon.

    It has been a VERY BUSY 7 months.  It seems that I am going in fifty directions….ALL at the same time.   I have still be writing and working on materials….I have been Working on updating a BIBLE CLASS song book …and some other visuals.  We are also working on a way to upload a few…

  • Summer Time.

    Hi there, I wanted to let you know…that due to a very busy Summer ahead of me I will not be posting NEAR as much.  I am actually taking a break from teaching Bible Class for the Summer quarter.  I will be back in full swing come the Fall.  Please keep checking back…I will try…

  • Summer Time.

    Hi there, I wanted to let you know…that due to a very busy Summer ahead of me I will not be posting NEAR as much.  I am actually taking a break from teaching Bible Class for the Summer quarter.  I will be back in full swing come the Fall.  Please keep checking back…I will try…

  • Saul Anointed King of Hebrews by Samuel

    Saul Anointed King of Hebrews by Samuel

    Our recent lesson on  Saul being anointed King of the Hebrews was a WONDERFUL success.    The kiddos were very excited about this lesson.   We began by reviewing the life of Samuel.    Samuel was a wonderful JUDGE for the Hebrews.  The Hebrews loved Samuel very much and knew he was getting e other old.  They decided…

  • Saul Anointed King of Hebrews by Samuel

    Our recent lesson on  Saul being anointed King of the Hebrews was a WONDERFUL success.    The kiddos were very excited about this lesson.   We began by reviewing the life of Samuel.    Samuel was a wonderful JUDGE for the Hebrews.  The Hebrews loved Samuel very much and knew he was getting e other old.  They decided…

  • Tissue Box Turned Review Game!!!!  KING SAUL

    Tissue Box Turned Review Game!!!! KING SAUL

    Today has be one of  “THOSE” days.  I had a TON of things to get done and nothing seemed to be working out right.  So, when I began working on this idea I was NOT sure how it would turn out.  However, I am happy to say that I am happy with the results.  This…

  • Tissue Box Turned Review Game!!!! KING SAUL

    Today has be one of  “THOSE” days.  I had a TON of things to get done and nothing seemed to be working out right.  So, when I began working on this idea I was NOT sure how it would turn out.  However, I am happy to say that I am happy with the results.  This…

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