Hands On Bible Teacher Title
  • New Attendance Board…Sping Time Flowers were a success.

    New Attendance Board…Sping Time Flowers were a success.

    The children LOVED the Flower Pots Attendance Charts.  They added a new flower to their flower pot every time they came to Bible Class.  This was a great motivator and the little pots provided a great spring theme to the classroom.  I think this has been my favorite attendance chart so far.  They were excited…

  • New Attendance Board…Sping Time Flowers were a success.

    The children LOVED the Flower Pots Attendance Charts.  They added a new flower to their flower pot every time they came to Bible Class.  This was a great motivator and the little pots provided a great spring theme to the classroom.  I think this has been my favorite attendance chart so far.  They were excited…

  • Devoted Ruth

    Devoted Ruth

    We recently learned the story of Ruth in Bible Class.  This story is such an encouraging story.  It teaches great lessons of love, devotion, dedication, selflessness, and strength in times of hardship.  I also love to teach the concept of being a hard worker when teaching the story of Ruth.   The story of Ruth should…

  • Devoted Ruth

    We recently learned the story of Ruth in Bible Class.  This story is such an encouraging story.  It teaches great lessons of love, devotion, dedication, selflessness, and strength in times of hardship.  I also love to teach the concept of being a hard worker when teaching the story of Ruth.   The story of Ruth should…

  • Samson the Strong Judge

    Samson the Strong Judge

    The children LOVED the lesson about Samson.  It is amazing how excited they get when learning about Samson and his AMAZING STRENGTH.   For their “Take Home” activity the kiddos made a Samson Puppet.  It was made by coloring a face and MUSCLED arms and gluing them to a tongue depressor.  They then glued on 7…

  • Samson the Strong Judge

    The children LOVED the lesson about Samson.  It is amazing how excited they get when learning about Samson and his AMAZING STRENGTH.   For their “Take Home” activity the kiddos made a Samson Puppet.  It was made by coloring a face and MUSCLED arms and gluing them to a tongue depressor.  They then glued on 7…

  • Gideon A Judge of Israel

    Gideon A Judge of Israel

    We are continuing our lessons on the Judges.  This week’s lesson is about Gideon.  Gideon was a humble Judge with a great amount of Faith.  He did as God commanded and had victory over the Midianites.   God told Gideon how to win the battle against the Midianites and Gideon did just as he was told. …

  • Gideon A Judge of Israel

    We are continuing our lessons on the Judges.  This week’s lesson is about Gideon.  Gideon was a humble Judge with a great amount of Faith.  He did as God commanded and had victory over the Midianites.   God told Gideon how to win the battle against the Midianites and Gideon did just as he was told. …

  • Deborah a Judge of Israel

    Deborah a Judge of Israel

    This past Sunday we continued in our lessons on the Judges!  The children were greeted by BIG blow up palm trees.  They knew they were in for an exciting lesson. We talked a bit about Shamgar…he killed 600 Philistines with an OX goad.  He was a brave man!  However, after he died the Hebrews returned…

  • Deborah a Judge of Israel

    This past Sunday we continued in our lessons on the Judges!  The children were greeted by BIG blow up palm trees.  They knew they were in for an exciting lesson. We talked a bit about Shamgar…he killed 600 Philistines with an OX goad.  He was a brave man!  However, after he died the Hebrews returned…

Got any book recommendations?