Hands On Bible Teacher Title
  • The Book of Judges.  Ehud the Judge

    The Book of Judges. Ehud the Judge

    We are beginning our lessons on the Judges this Sunday.  I am excited about this study…and I know the children will LOVE all these adventures.   Our first lesson is about Othniel and Ehud.  Our focus will be on Ehud, since there is more information about him.   As a “Take Home” activity the children are going…

  • The Book of Judges. Ehud the Judge

    We are beginning our lessons on the Judges this Sunday.  I am excited about this study…and I know the children will LOVE all these adventures.   Our first lesson is about Othniel and Ehud.  Our focus will be on Ehud, since there is more information about him.   As a “Take Home” activity the children are going…

  • New Attendance Board…Sping Time Flowers

    New Attendance Board…Sping Time Flowers

    Our new  Attendance Chart Board… The children will add flowers to their own flower pot each time they attend.  I will be using flowers from the dollar tree…You know, those multi-colored flower bushes….I am excited about this attendance chart… I know they will LOVE IT!!!!! “Growing In Knowledge…Blooming in Understanding.” I will take more pics…

  • New Attendance Board…Sping Time Flowers

    Our new  Attendance Chart Board… The children will add flowers to their own flower pot each time they attend.  I will be using flowers from the dollar tree…You know, those multi-colored flower bushes….I am excited about this attendance chart… I know they will LOVE IT!!!!! “Growing In Knowledge…Blooming in Understanding.” I will take more pics…

  • Joahua Takes A Stand….”As for Me and My House…”

    Joahua Takes A Stand….”As for Me and My House…”

    This week we are learning the story of Joshua’s Farewell Address to the Hebrews.  He is wanting them to remain FAITHFUL to God.  He tells them that they must make a choice.  He reminds them of all the blessings God had blessed them with.  He reminds them that God had always been with them.  Joshua…

  • Joahua Takes A Stand….”As for Me and My House…”

    This week we are learning the story of Joshua’s Farewell Address to the Hebrews.  He is wanting them to remain FAITHFUL to God.  He tells them that they must make a choice.  He reminds them of all the blessings God had blessed them with.  He reminds them that God had always been with them.  Joshua…

  • Joshua, The Day the Sun Stood Still

    Joshua, The Day the Sun Stood Still

    This Sunday we are learning the story of the day the sun stood still.  This story comes from Joshua 10.  I am excited about this lesson.  I know the children will be excited as well.  They always come into the classroom ready to EXPLORE something new.    I love their excitement!   I am sure you know…

  • Joshua, The Day the Sun Stood Still

    This Sunday we are learning the story of the day the sun stood still.  This story comes from Joshua 10.  I am excited about this lesson.  I know the children will be excited as well.  They always come into the classroom ready to EXPLORE something new.    I love their excitement!   I am sure you know…

  • Jericho


    This past Sunday we learned about the story of the conquering of Jericho. We made the “Rams” horns as our “Take Home” Activity.  The horns were made before class (see previous post).  During class the children added the chenille stick around the mouth piece and were allowed to color and decorate their horn any way…

  • Jericho

    This past Sunday we learned about the story of the conquering of Jericho. We made the “Rams” horns as our “Take Home” Activity.  The horns were made before class (see previous post).  During class the children added the chenille stick around the mouth piece and were allowed to color and decorate their horn any way…

Got any book recommendations?