Hands On Bible Teacher Title
  • How To Make a “Rams Horn”

    How To Make a “Rams Horn”

    As I was prepping to teach the story of Jericho, I decided I wanted to make each student a “Rams Horn.”   I wanted it to be a working horn that they could BLOW…so, out came the toilet paper tubes, masking tape, etc. These horns are not hard to make, but they do take a bit…

  • How To Make a “Rams Horn”

    As I was prepping to teach the story of Jericho, I decided I wanted to make each student a “Rams Horn.”   I wanted it to be a working horn that they could BLOW…so, out came the toilet paper tubes, masking tape, etc. These horns are not hard to make, but they do take a bit…

  • Memorial Stones

    Memorial Stones

    This past Sunday we learned about the story of the Memorial Stones.  The stones were picked up from the midst of the Jordan River, from the place where the Priest feet had stood.    Joshua picked 12 men (one from each tribe) to pick up a rock out of the Jordan and carry it on his…

  • Memorial Stones

    This past Sunday we learned about the story of the Memorial Stones.  The stones were picked up from the midst of the Jordan River, from the place where the Priest feet had stood.    Joshua picked 12 men (one from each tribe) to pick up a rock out of the Jordan and carry it on his…

  • Crossing the River Jordan

    Crossing the River Jordan

    This week we are learning about the Hebrews Crossing the Jordan River. This is such an AMAZING story. God stops the Jordan River from flowing…allowing the Hebrews to safely cross on dry ground. For a visual this week I am using my paper dolls from makingfriends.com and home made “Ark of the Covenant.” I made…

  • Crossing the River Jordan

    This week we are learning about the Hebrews Crossing the Jordan River. This is such an AMAZING story. God stops the Jordan River from flowing…allowing the Hebrews to safely cross on dry ground. For a visual this week I am using my paper dolls from makingfriends.com and home made “Ark of the Covenant.” I made…

  • Teen Girls Class is Going Well

    Teen Girls Class is Going Well

    I am enjoying teaching the teen girls on Wednesday Evenings. They are so much fun. We have been busy “Scrapbooking” our way though this lesson material. The girls LOVE the activities. I have asked them time and time again to tell me what they like and don’t like. Well, they all have told me they…

  • Teen Girls Class is Going Well

    I am enjoying teaching the teen girls on Wednesday Evenings. They are so much fun. We have been busy “Scrapbooking” our way though this lesson material. The girls LOVE the activities. I have asked them time and time again to tell me what they like and don’t like. Well, they all have told me they…

  • Wednesday’s Explorer Journal Activity for Rahab

    Wednesday’s Explorer Journal Activity for Rahab

    This Wednesday the children will be doing the review of the lesson on Rahab and they will do the activity for the Explorer Journal. We had a wonderful class period on Sunday. We had all my students there plus a visitor. I am glad the are all healthy. Hopefully, with the end of winter approaching…

  • Wednesday’s Explorer Journal Activity for Rahab

    This Wednesday the children will be doing the review of the lesson on Rahab and they will do the activity for the Explorer Journal. We had a wonderful class period on Sunday. We had all my students there plus a visitor. I am glad the are all healthy. Hopefully, with the end of winter approaching…

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