Hands On Bible Teacher Title
  • Rahab Hides the Spies

    Rahab Hides the Spies

    This is Lesson 2 in Joshua and the Quest of Canaan, from the EXPLORING BIBLE HISTORY curriculum that I am writing. Last week we learned how Joshua became the new leader of the Hebrews. We learned how he was strong and brave. This week we are learning about Rahab and the spies. The children will…

  • Rahab Hides the Spies

    This is Lesson 2 in Joshua and the Quest of Canaan, from the EXPLORING BIBLE HISTORY curriculum that I am writing. Last week we learned how Joshua became the new leader of the Hebrews. We learned how he was strong and brave. This week we are learning about Rahab and the spies. The children will…

  • Joshua the NEW Leader for the Hebrews

    Joshua the NEW Leader for the Hebrews

    Wednesday Evenings are used as a review night. The children review the lesson they learned on Sunday Morning. We have found this to be a great teaching method. It allows us to make sure the children really understand what they learned on Sunday. The children projects for Wednesday are placed in their Explorer Journal. Their…

  • Joshua the NEW Leader for the Hebrews

    Wednesday Evenings are used as a review night. The children review the lesson they learned on Sunday Morning. We have found this to be a great teaching method. It allows us to make sure the children really understand what they learned on Sunday. The children projects for Wednesday are placed in their Explorer Journal. Their…

  • Joshua and The Judges

    Joshua and The Judges

    NEW QUARTER — More EXPLORING!!!! This past Sunday we began our new quarter in our Exploring Bible History Curriculum. I have been soooo busy writing and producing materials for this new quarter that I have NOT had much time to blog. But, now that the quarter has begun, I will try to let you all…

  • Joshua and The Judges

    NEW QUARTER — More EXPLORING!!!! This past Sunday we began our new quarter in our Exploring Bible History Curriculum. I have been soooo busy writing and producing materials for this new quarter that I have NOT had much time to blog. But, now that the quarter has begun, I will try to let you all…

  • Review What We Have Learned During the Quarter

    Review What We Have Learned During the Quarter

    We have finished all the lessons in Book 2 of the Exploring Bible History Curriculum I am writing. We have had so much fun learning about Moses’s life. On the table sits a visual reminder of some of the stories we have learned during this past quarter. The kiddos EXPLORER JOURNALS are ready for the…

  • Review What We Have Learned During the Quarter

    We have finished all the lessons in Book 2 of the Exploring Bible History Curriculum I am writing. We have had so much fun learning about Moses’s life. On the table sits a visual reminder of some of the stories we have learned during this past quarter. The kiddos EXPLORER JOURNALS are ready for the…

  • Wednesday’s Explorer Journal Activity Balaam and the Talking Donkey

    Wednesday’s Explorer Journal Activity Balaam and the Talking Donkey

    Our Wednesday night review is taught by another teacher…I am currently teaching a YOUNG LADIES Bible Class on Wednesday Nights. However, I want to keep you updated on what we do in our Wednesday Night Review Nights. This past Wednesday night the teacher reviewed the story of Balaam and the Talking Donkey. Again, the children…

  • Wednesday’s Explorer Journal Activity Balaam and the Talking Donkey

    Our Wednesday night review is taught by another teacher…I am currently teaching a YOUNG LADIES Bible Class on Wednesday Nights. However, I want to keep you updated on what we do in our Wednesday Night Review Nights. This past Wednesday night the teacher reviewed the story of Balaam and the Talking Donkey. Again, the children…

Got any book recommendations?