Hands On Bible Teacher Title
  • Building the Tabernacle

    Building the Tabernacle

    The newest lesson we learned was all about the Tabernacle. We learned that God commanded the Hebrews to build the Tabernacle and the Hebrews happily obeyed. They were so happy to help that they brought offerings to Moses for the building of the Tabernacle. They brought sooo much that Moses had to tell them to…

  • Building the Tabernacle

    The newest lesson we learned was all about the Tabernacle. We learned that God commanded the Hebrews to build the Tabernacle and the Hebrews happily obeyed. They were so happy to help that they brought offerings to Moses for the building of the Tabernacle. They brought sooo much that Moses had to tell them to…

  • Teen Girls Class

    Teen Girls Class

    This past Wednesday Evening I was blessed with the privilege of beginning to teach a new class for Teen Girls. We are studying the book called “A Christian Girl’s Scrapbook.” –by Ronda Duvall We will be learning attitudes, attributes, behavior, etc. that every Christian girl needs in their life. We will have “Special Verses” to…

  • Teen Girls Class

    This past Wednesday Evening I was blessed with the privilege of beginning to teach a new class for Teen Girls. We are studying the book called “A Christian Girl’s Scrapbook.” –by Ronda Duvall We will be learning attitudes, attributes, behavior, etc. that every Christian girl needs in their life. We will have “Special Verses” to…

  • New Attendance Board

    New Attendance Board

    We have NEW Attendance charts this week!!!! YAY!!!! I decided to make gumball machines that the children will add a “gumball” to each week, The “gumballs” are the round dot stickers you find in the stationary/office supply area of most stores. The board reads “We’re On the “BALL” in Bible Class.” The children were very…

  • New Attendance Board

    We have NEW Attendance charts this week!!!! YAY!!!! I decided to make gumball machines that the children will add a “gumball” to each week, The “gumballs” are the round dot stickers you find in the stationary/office supply area of most stores. The board reads “We’re On the “BALL” in Bible Class.” The children were very…

  • Untitled Post

    Untitled Post

    On Wednesday night, the children had a new teacher. She will still be teaching my materials. She will be reviewing the story we learned on Sunday with them and doing their Explorer Journal Activity. This weeks Explorer Journal Activity is a Golden Calf Picture, The children colored the altar gold, using a gold paint pen,…

  • On Wednesday night, the children had a new teacher. She will still be teaching my materials. She will be reviewing the story we learned on Sunday with them and doing their Explorer Journal Activity.This weeks Explorer Journal Activity is a Golden Calf Picture, The children colored the altar gold, using a gold paint pen, add…

  • The Golden Calf

    The Golden Calf

    The lesson about the Golden Calf was a hit with the kids. We learned how the Hebrews were impatient people and decided they wanted a god. Aaron made them a golden calf and they began to worship it. We talked about how having idols in our life is NEVER pleasing to God. For the Sunday’s…

  • The Golden Calf

    The lesson about the Golden Calf was a hit with the kids. We learned how the Hebrews were impatient people and decided they wanted a god. Aaron made them a golden calf and they began to worship it. We talked about how having idols in our life is NEVER pleasing to God. For the Sunday’s…

Got any book recommendations?