Hands On Bible Teacher Title
  • Explorer Journal….The Ten Commandments

    Explorer Journal….The Ten Commandments

    The 10 Commandments has been a wonderful lesson for the children. We focused a lot on the history around the giving of the Commandments…and then the meaning of each Commandment and then the fact that God has given us commandments to live by and keep. For the kiddo’s Explorer Journal activity we did a coloring…

  • Explorer Journal….The Ten Commandments

    The 10 Commandments has been a wonderful lesson for the children. We focused a lot on the history around the giving of the Commandments…and then the meaning of each Commandment and then the fact that God has given us commandments to live by and keep. For the kiddo’s Explorer Journal activity we did a coloring…

  • The Ten Commandments

    The Ten Commandments

    We have been studying the story of the 10 Commandments for the last two weeks. There is soooo much information on the Mount Sinai story that I decided we needed to take it a bit slower. So, here is some of what I did with the children during this study. We focused on the fact…

  • The Ten Commandments

    We have been studying the story of the 10 Commandments for the last two weeks. There is soooo much information on the Mount Sinai story that I decided we needed to take it a bit slower. So, here is some of what I did with the children during this study. We focused on the fact…

  • Wednesday’s Explorer Journal Activity….Moses Strikes the Rock

    Wednesday’s Explorer Journal Activity….Moses Strikes the Rock

    Our Wednesday Evening Bible Class is a time I really enjoy. It allows me the opportunity to review what we learned on Sunday and make sure the children really understand the lesson. This Wednesday we will review the story of Moses striking the rock at Horeb, as God commanded, and water gushing forth and providing…

  • Wednesday’s Explorer Journal Activity….Moses Strikes the Rock

    Our Wednesday Evening Bible Class is a time I really enjoy. It allows me the opportunity to review what we learned on Sunday and make sure the children really understand the lesson. This Wednesday we will review the story of Moses striking the rock at Horeb, as God commanded, and water gushing forth and providing…

  • Moses Strikes the Rock

    Moses Strikes the Rock

    This has been a very busy week. I decided the original IDEA I had for the students Sunday Take Home activity was NOT coming together the way I wanted. So, I decided to change directions and DO something different. I must say, I really do like the NEW idea much better. On Sunday we will…

  • Moses Strikes the Rock

    This has been a very busy week. I decided the original IDEA I had for the students Sunday Take Home activity was NOT coming together the way I wanted. So, I decided to change directions and DO something different. I must say, I really do like the NEW idea much better. On Sunday we will…

  • Star Studded Story Memory….

    Star Studded Story Memory….

    Decided to make this REVIEW System for the kids. At the end of class we have a few minutes that I use to review the lesson. This way of reviewing involves the children picking a star wand…and then they have to answer the question on the star. We did this activity for the first time…

  • Star Studded Story Memory….

    Decided to make this REVIEW System for the kids. At the end of class we have a few minutes that I use to review the lesson. This way of reviewing involves the children picking a star wand…and then they have to answer the question on the star. We did this activity for the first time…

Got any book recommendations?