Hands On Bible Teacher Title
  • Explorer Journal….Manna and Quail

    Explorer Journal….Manna and Quail

    As you know we use Wednesday nights to review the lesson we learned on Sunday. So, we will be reviewing the story of Moses and the Hebrews at Marah, Elim and in the Wilderness of Sin. Of course that is the stories of the Bitter Water made Sweet….the 70 palm trees and 12 wells and…

  • Explorer Journal….Manna and Quail

    As you know we use Wednesday nights to review the lesson we learned on Sunday. So, we will be reviewing the story of Moses and the Hebrews at Marah, Elim and in the Wilderness of Sin. Of course that is the stories of the Bitter Water made Sweet….the 70 palm trees and 12 wells and…

  • Manna and Quail

    Manna and Quail

    Wow what a week… We had a nice “Stay-cation” vacation. We were able to get a few things done around the house we needed to do…plus, sleeping in was nice. However, this week I have be going full speed ahead…Prepping for the Bible Story where God provides food for the Hebrews. I decided to make…

  • Manna and Quail

    Wow what a week… We had a nice “Stay-cation” vacation. We were able to get a few things done around the house we needed to do…plus, sleeping in was nice. However, this week I have be going full speed ahead…Prepping for the Bible Story where God provides food for the Hebrews. I decided to make…

  • The Workshop Went Well

    The Workshop Went Well

    As you know I conducted a Bible Class Teacher’s Workshop this past Saturday. It is such a blessing to be a part of the Workshop…I love seeing the excitement and dedication in the ladies that attend one of the Workshops. Sharing ideas helps encourage all of us. It was a fun filled day. I pray…

  • The Workshop Went Well

    As you know I conducted a Bible Class Teacher’s Workshop this past Saturday. It is such a blessing to be a part of the Workshop…I love seeing the excitement and dedication in the ladies that attend one of the Workshops. Sharing ideas helps encourage all of us. It was a fun filled day. I pray…

  • Workshop


    I love Getting ready for Bible Class Teachers Workshops. This Workshop is in El Reno, OK. I have spent MOST of this week spending time prepping for the Bible Class Teachers Workshop. It will be held at the Elm Street church of Christ on Saturday. I love the Workshops. I am greatly encouraged when ladies…

  • Workshop

    I love Getting ready for Bible Class Teachers Workshops. This Workshop is in El Reno, OK. I have spent MOST of this week spending time prepping for the Bible Class Teachers Workshop. It will be held at the Elm Street church of Christ on Saturday.I love the Workshops. I am greatly encouraged when ladies want…

  • Pharaoh’s Fatal Following

    Pharaoh’s Fatal Following

    Why did Pharaoh NOT learn his lessons? We are going to talk about how we should NEVER harden our hearts towards God and his commandments. We need to always obey!!! We are going to talk about how catastrophe always seems to happen to those who do NOT listen and obey God. As our activity we…

  • Pharaoh’s Fatal Following

    Why did Pharaoh NOT learn his lessons? We are going to talk about how we should NEVER harden our hearts towards God and his commandments. We need to always obey!!! We are going to talk about how catastrophe always seems to happen to those who do NOT listen and obey God. As our activity we…

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