Hands On Bible Teacher Title
  • We “Crossed” The Red Sea

    We “Crossed” The Red Sea

    On Wednesday Evening we review the lesson on the Hebrews Crossing the Red Sea. This will be a 4 Part lesson. 2 Sunday’s and 2 Wednesday’s. That is because I wanted the children to know how God led them through the Red Sea and how disobedience will cause catastrophe. So the first 2 parts are…

  • We “Crossed” The Red Sea

    On Wednesday Evening we review the lesson on the Hebrews Crossing the Red Sea. This will be a 4 Part lesson. 2 Sunday’s and 2 Wednesday’s. That is because I wanted the children to know how God led them through the Red Sea and how disobedience will cause catastrophe. So the first 2 parts are…

  • The Red Sea Story

    The Red Sea Story

    I will be a the first to admit that this has been a busy week. We have had appointments, Bible classes, school conferences, and so much more going on this week. That made for an extremely busy week. So, I had to make my time management a MUST! This Sunday and next we will be…

  • The Red Sea Story

    I will be a the first to admit that this has been a busy week. We have had appointments, Bible classes, school conferences, and so much more going on this week. That made for an extremely busy week. So, I had to make my time management a MUST! This Sunday and next we will be…

  • The Passover story will NOT be Passed Over by this Preschool Class.

    The Passover story will NOT be Passed Over by this Preschool Class.

    I will be the first to admit that the Passover story is not an easy story to teach to Preschoolers, There is death, sacrifices, blood, darkness, etc. It kind of makes this a hard story to teach. Yet, if you look at the story you see how much GOD loves HIS people. You see how…

  • The Passover story will NOT be Passed Over by this Preschool Class.

    I will be the first to admit that the Passover story is not an easy story to teach to Preschoolers, There is death, sacrifices, blood, darkness, etc. It kind of makes this a hard story to teach. Yet, if you look at the story you see how much GOD loves HIS people. You see how…

  • Working on Ideas  that do NOT go along with my current topic.,

    Working on Ideas that do NOT go along with my current topic.,

    I love to work on Bible Materials. I spend a lot of time thinking about how to impress the Word of God upon the hearts and minds of children. I write Bible songs, write materials, work on review games, work on visuals, and bulletin boards ideas all the time. I keep a notebook on me…

  • Working on Ideas that do NOT go along with my current topic.,

    I love to work on Bible Materials. I spend a lot of time thinking about how to impress the Word of God upon the hearts and minds of children. I write Bible songs, write materials, work on review games, work on visuals, and bulletin boards ideas all the time. I keep a notebook on me…

  • Wednesday’s Explorer Journal Activity….

    Wednesday’s Explorer Journal Activity….

    As you know Wednesday Evening is time for reviewing what the children learned on Sunday Morning. On Wednesday Evening, we do our Explorer Journal Activity. The Explorer Journal Activity this week is the 10 Plagues. The children will be coloring, gluing and sticking 3D items to the “Plagues Pyramid.” This activity will then be placed…

  • Wednesday’s Explorer Journal Activity….

    As you know Wednesday Evening is time for reviewing what the children learned on Sunday Morning. On Wednesday Evening, we do our Explorer Journal Activity. The Explorer Journal Activity this week is the 10 Plagues. The children will be coloring, gluing and sticking 3D items to the “Plagues Pyramid.” This activity will then be placed…

Got any book recommendations?