Hands On Bible Teacher Title
  • Encouraging you to teach.

    I want to make a plea to all of the women who have thought about teaching a Bible class, but don’t. Teaching Bible class is truly a blessing to you as a teacher. You learn so much while prepping for class. The study time you put in will not only benefit your students but, will…

  • Encouraging you to teach.

    I want to make a plea to all of the women who have thought about teaching a Bible class, but don’t. Teaching Bible class is truly a blessing to you as a teacher. You learn so much while prepping for class. The study time you put in will not only benefit your students but, will…

  • Slower Week…Wednesday Night Singing Night.

    Slower Week…Wednesday Night Singing Night.

    Due to our 5th Wednesday Night singing we did NOT have classes this past Wednesday. Due to that my students will be reviewing the lesson from Sunday a week ago. This worked out to be a blessing…I had soo many students out sick this past Sunday (including my own son). So I am thankful that…

  • Slower Week…Wednesday Night Singing Night.

    Due to our 5th Wednesday Night singing we did NOT have classes this past Wednesday. Due to that my students will be reviewing the lesson from Sunday a week ago. This worked out to be a blessing…I had soo many students out sick this past Sunday (including my own son). So I am thankful that…

  • “Burning Bush”…in my classroom

    “Burning Bush”…in my classroom

    Been busy….Sunday will be an amazing day. I can not wait for the children to come to class this Sunday…I think I say that every week….I get so excited about all that they are learning from God’s Word. We now have a “Burning Bush” in my classroom….The children will get to add the flames by…

  • “Burning Bush”…in my classroom

    Been busy….Sunday will be an amazing day. I can not wait for the children to come to class this Sunday…I think I say that every week….I get so excited about all that they are learning from God’s Word. We now have a “Burning Bush” in my classroom….The children will get to add the flames by…

  • Today Was a Busy Prep and Writing Day

    Today was spent writing materials on “Spying out Canaan.” I also worked on visual aids, Take Home Projects, Explorer Journal Projects, and Review Games. I then spent a little time finalizing my prepping for Sunday’s class…Lots of cutting and organizing. I will be adding pictures tomorrow—after I get things hung up on the walls in…

  • Today Was a Busy Prep and Writing Day

    Today was spent writing materials on “Spying out Canaan.” I also worked on visual aids, Take Home Projects, Explorer Journal Projects, and Review Games. I then spent a little time finalizing my prepping for Sunday’s class…Lots of cutting and organizing. I will be adding pictures tomorrow—after I get things hung up on the walls in…

  • Preparing for Next Lesson On Moses….Moses and the Burning Bush

    Preparing for Next Lesson On Moses….Moses and the Burning Bush

    Today I spent my time prepping for next Sunday and Wednesday…My students will be learning the story of Moses and the Burning Bush….I have prepared the “Take Home” for Sunday. I have prepared the Explorer Journal Activity for next Wednesday and copied their New Memory Verse cards. This Sunday they will be making a Mt.…

  • Preparing for Next Lesson On Moses….Moses and the Burning Bush

    Today I spent my time prepping for next Sunday and Wednesday…My students will be learning the story of Moses and the Burning Bush….I have prepared the “Take Home” for Sunday. I have prepared the Explorer Journal Activity for next Wednesday and copied their New Memory Verse cards. This Sunday they will be making a Mt.…

Got any book recommendations?