Hands On Bible Teacher Title
  • Joseph and His Colorful Coat

    Joseph and His Colorful Coat

     We recently had a LESSON about Joseph and his COLORFUL Coat.  The KIDDOS LOVED this lesson!!!!  They were very excited about the ACTIVITIES and GAMES.  ๐Ÿ™‚ We still have our PATRIARCHS up on our Bulletin Board.  However, we are focusing on the 12 Sons of Jacob and beginning to really focus in on Joseph.  …

  • Joseph and His Colorful Coat

     We recently had a LESSON about Joseph and his COLORFUL Coat.  The KIDDOS LOVED this lesson!!!!  They were very excited about the ACTIVITIES and GAMES.  ๐Ÿ™‚ We still have our PATRIARCHS up on our Bulletin Board.  However, we are focusing on the 12 Sons of Jacob and beginning to really focus in on Joseph.  …

  • Twelve Sons of Jacob

    Twelve Sons of Jacob

    We recently had a lesson about the 12 Sons of Jacob.  I love teaching about Joseph and his brothers.  The KIDDOS seem to get excited about how BIG of a family Jacob had.   This LESSON introduces a LOT of names.  Some are easy for the KIDDOS to remember and some are very difficult.  …

  • Twelve Sons of Jacob

    We recently had a lesson about the 12 Sons of Jacob.  I love teaching about Joseph and his brothers.  The KIDDOS seem to get excited about how BIG of a family Jacob had.   This LESSON introduces a LOT of names.  Some are easy for the KIDDOS to remember and some are very difficult.  …

  • Twelve Sons of Jacob Visual Made from Gerber Puff Containers

    Twelve Sons of Jacob Visual Made from Gerber Puff Containers

    Recently, I was in GREAT need of an EXCITING VISUAL for teaching an upcoming lesson on the Twelve SONS of JACOB.     Although I have several style of visuals for the Sons of Jacob, I wanted something that would GRAB the KIDDOS attention and that they would find EXCITING to look at and touch.…

  • Twelve Sons of Jacob Visual Made from Gerber Puff Containers

    Recently, I was in GREAT need of an EXCITING VISUAL for teaching an upcoming lesson on the Twelve SONS of JACOB.     Although I have several style of visuals for the Sons of Jacob, I wanted something that would GRAB the KIDDOS attention and that they would find EXCITING to look at and touch.…

  • Jacob Loves Rachel

    Jacob Loves Rachel

    We recently had a lesson about Jacob meeting Rachel and falling in love with her. The end of the lesson is the hardest to teach….you know where Laban tricks Jacob and gives him Leah. Trying to explain why Jacob has more than one wife is a difficult thing….so, I just tell the KIDDOS this, “I…

  • Jacob Loves Rachel

    We recently had a lesson about Jacob meeting Rachel and falling in love with her. The end of the lesson is the hardest to teach….you know where Laban tricks Jacob and gives him Leah. Trying to explain why Jacob has more than one wife is a difficult thing….so, I just tell the KIDDOS this, “I…

  • Memorizing Important Bible Facts

    Memorizing Important Bible Facts

    We are focusing on MEMORIZING important BIBLE Facts.  That being said, we needed a way to TRACK our KIDDOS progress.  So, we decided on a BADGE EARNING SYSTEM.    Each time the KIDDOS can RECITE the ASSIGNED MEMORY WORK, they will earn a BADGE to attach to their “BIBLE BOOKMARK.” We titled our board, “WE…

  • Memorizing Important Bible Facts

    We are focusing on MEMORIZING important BIBLE Facts.  That being said, we needed a way to TRACK our KIDDOS progress.  So, we decided on a BADGE EARNING SYSTEM.    Each time the KIDDOS can RECITE the ASSIGNED MEMORY WORK, they will earn a BADGE to attach to their “BIBLE BOOKMARK.” We titled our board, “WE…

Got any book recommendations?