Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Tag: 2nd-4th Grade Kiddos

  • When You Can’t Find Visuals—Make Them, Use What You  Have, Be Resourceful

    When You Can’t Find Visuals—Make Them, Use What You Have, Be Resourceful

    Recently our 2nd through 4th graders were learning about Paul’s Missionary Journeys.  However, we could not find a really good POSTER/BULLETIN BOARD set for the classroom.  So, what we decided to do was PART and PIECE various visuals for their “Bulletin Board” wall.  (As you can see they do not have a Bulletin Board in…

  • The BOOK of ACTS 2nd-4th GRADE Classroom

    The BOOK of ACTS 2nd-4th GRADE Classroom

    Please remember, I AM NOT the teacher for this CLASS full of KIDDOS. I love “visiting” this classroom…and am BLESSED to be asked to “help” come up with ideas, bulletin boards and decorations.    ðŸ™‚   THIS is their NEW Information Wall!! The KIDDOS will be MEMORIZING what is in each chapter of ACTS….They will…

  • 2ND-4TH Graders Class—Classroom Decotations and Ideas.  Lapbooks.

    2ND-4TH Graders Class—Classroom Decotations and Ideas. Lapbooks.

    How is it that LIFE get soooo crazy.  I have been wanting to SHARE some of the ideas from the 2nd-4th graders Bible Class room.  Please remember, I am NOT the teacher of this WONDERFUL class.   This is a VERY active group of KIDDOS…..I am always AMAZED when I walk into this classroom.  …

  • Lap Book Activity from the 2nd-4th Grade Class

    Lap Book Activity from the 2nd-4th Grade Class

    I love being able to highlight some of our other teacher’s work and ideas.  We are blessed, at our congregation, to have very creative,  dedicated and talented teachers.   I have previously highlighted the BEAUTIFUL LAPBOOKS that our 2nd-4th grade class have made.  This is their LATEST Lapbookk.  They have been leaning about the Divided Kingdom,…



    First off let me explain—THESE ARE NOT FROM MY CLASS!!!!  This is an activity that is done in our 2nd-4th grade class.  They are using the Discovering God’s Way curriculum  that can be purchased through CEI bookstore.   This Lap Book activity is NOT part of the curriculum, …but, it is our TEACHERS taking their curriculum…