Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Tag: aaron

  • Untitled Post

    Untitled Post

    On Wednesday night, the children had a new teacher. She will still be teaching my materials. She will be reviewing the story we learned on Sunday with them and doing their Explorer Journal Activity. This weeks Explorer Journal Activity is a Golden Calf Picture, The children colored the altar gold, using a gold paint pen,…

  • The Golden Calf

    The Golden Calf

    The lesson about the Golden Calf was a hit with the kids. We learned how the Hebrews were impatient people and decided they wanted a god. Aaron made them a golden calf and they began to worship it. We talked about how having idols in our life is NEVER pleasing to God. For the Sunday’s…

  • It’s OK to change your mind sometimes.

    It’s OK to change your mind sometimes.

    I was struggling this past few days with the activities for the lesson on Moses and Aaron appeal to Pharaoh. The activities I had come up with were just to similar to one another. So, I began thinking and praying. I NEVER want my kids to be BORED in class. So, on Saturday it finally…

  • Getting Ready for Sunday– I know it is only Thursday.

    Getting Ready for Sunday– I know it is only Thursday.

    Today I have spent several hours copying, cutting, gluing, making, coloring, laminating, etc. I am in full go for this next Sunday’s Bible Class. We will be learning about Moses and Aaron speaking to Pharaoh. I struggled a bit with this lesson….only in the fact that I can in NO way turn a rod into…