Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Tag: activities



    First off let me explain—THESE ARE NOT FROM MY CLASS!!!!  This is an activity that is done in our 2nd-4th grade class.  They are using the Discovering God’s Way curriculum  that can be purchased through CEI bookstore.   This Lap Book activity is NOT part of the curriculum, …but, it is our TEACHERS taking their curriculum…

  • Elijah’s Whirlwind Ride

    Elijah’s Whirlwind Ride

     Have you ever been so excited about a lesson…that you could hardly wait to teach it to the KIDDOS?  Well, I have been SOOOOOO excited about this lesson for a really LOOOOONG time.  As I was writing my lesson, coming up with activities, memory verses, crafts, etc.  I could not help but imagine the MAJESTY…

  • Kiddos TAKE HOME Projects!!!

    Kiddos TAKE HOME Projects!!!

    I wanted to share the KIDDOS recent TAKE HOME project.  As you know, we just had a lesson on Elijah and the Prophets of Baal and the battle on Mount Carmel.     As, a TAKE HOME project, I had the KIDDOS paint (WITH SHARPIES) a rock that had, “THE LORD IS GOD!” written on it…I had…

  • Elijah Challenges The Prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel

    Elijah Challenges The Prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel

    This week we have a “NEW” Bible Lesson.  Please remember, that each of my lessons last 2 weeks.  The first week, I spend introducing the lesson, facts, places, etc.  The next week we do a very detailed review…this gives me an opportunity to see if the KIDDOS missed something or if I forgot to share…

  • The Ravens Fed Elijah (GOD WILL PROVIDE!)

    The Ravens Fed Elijah (GOD WILL PROVIDE!)

    I am beyond excited about this lesson.  I know the KIDDOS will LOVE learning all about the Ravens Feeding Elijah.  I LOVE how GOD takes care of HIS FOLLOWERS.    There is so many exciting aspects to this lesson…Although, we will focus on the HISTORY of this lesson…we will make sure to DRAW out the conclusion…

  • Another Ealry Arrival Activity   E. A. A.

    Another Ealry Arrival Activity E. A. A.

    We have a new E.A.A. (Early Arrival Activity) in our classroom and the KIDDOS LOVE it!!!.   This was a SUPER SIMPLE thing to do.  I just took OLD Visuals and attached them to MAGNETIC Sticker Sheets.  I purchased the Magnetic Sheets at our local Dollar Tree.    I also purchased our Magnetic Puzzle Trays (COOKIE SHEETS)…

  • God Called Samuel  Exploring Bible History

    God Called Samuel Exploring Bible History

    The kiddos are sooo excited about this “NEW” material.  We are truly on an EXPLORATION!  I love it when their eyes light up in AWE about what they are hearing from GOD’S Word.         Our recent lesson was about GOD calling Samuel.  I reminded the kiddos that GOD did NOT speak directly to…

  • Fruit of the Spirit—–Goodness

    Fruit of the Spirit—–Goodness

    I am enjoying the challenge of teaching the Fruit of The Spirit attributes to the children.  The children have been enjoying the various Bible “Stories” that we have been using to learn the attributes.    Since I normally teach in a chronological style, this material is challenging me to “think outside the box.” Our recent lesson…

  • Fruit of the Spirit—–Patience

    Fruit of the Spirit—–Patience

    This quarter seems to be FLYING by.  We have been having sooo much fun learning about the FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT.  We are on lesson 6 which is ALL about PATIENCE.  Our lesson was based on the FARMER from James 5:7-8.  I really like these verses for showing the need for Patience…..because, FARMERS HAVE TO…

  • Fruit of the Spirit—–Peace

    Fruit of the Spirit—–Peace

    We are already on lesson 5 of our Fruit of The Spirit lesson material.  The children are really enjoying these lessons.  Lesson five was about the attribute: PEACE.   I decided to use the account of Jesus calming the sea for our main BIBLE story.  I told the children the story (put into my own words)…