Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Tag: bible class teacher

  • Best Friends:  David and Jonathan

    Best Friends: David and Jonathan

    I am EXTREMELY excited!!!!!!  My excitement stems from the fact that this upcoming Sunday begins my NEW Quarter with the KIDDOS.  We are continuing to EXPLORE Bible History.  We will be wearing our “Explorer Hats” and singing “We Are Bible Explorers.”   We do this at the beginning of each NEW Quarter.  Since we left off…

  • New Theme for The Classroom.

    New Theme for The Classroom.

    We’re WILD about Bible Class!!!!!!!! I am so excited.  Life seems to be getting back to a “normal” state.  My husband says it is just the “NEW NORMAL.”  I love my hubby…he keeps me grounded when life gets nutty.   I have been spending the last few days  updating my Bible Classroom!! I decided to…

  • Fruit of the Spirit—–Peace

    Fruit of the Spirit—–Peace

    We are already on lesson 5 of our Fruit of The Spirit lesson material.  The children are really enjoying these lessons.  Lesson five was about the attribute: PEACE.   I decided to use the account of Jesus calming the sea for our main BIBLE story.  I told the children the story (put into my own words)…

  • Fruit of the Spirit Lesson 3  LOVE

    Fruit of the Spirit Lesson 3 LOVE

    Lesson three of our Fruit of the Spirit unit was a lesson on LOVE.  I used the verse John 3:16 as our main text.  We learned how God LOVES us soooo much that HE sent HIS Son JESUS to die for our sins.   For our  “story time” I used a small story book that showed…

  • Workshop


    I love Getting ready for Bible Class Teachers Workshops. This Workshop is in El Reno, OK. I have spent MOST of this week spending time prepping for the Bible Class Teachers Workshop. It will be held at the Elm Street church of Christ on Saturday. I love the Workshops. I am greatly encouraged when ladies…

  • Encouraging you to teach.

    I want to make a plea to all of the women who have thought about teaching a Bible class, but don’t. Teaching Bible class is truly a blessing to you as a teacher. You learn so much while prepping for class. The study time you put in will not only benefit your students but, will…

  • Today Was a Busy Prep and Writing Day

    Today was spent writing materials on “Spying out Canaan.” I also worked on visual aids, Take Home Projects, Explorer Journal Projects, and Review Games. I then spent a little time finalizing my prepping for Sunday’s class…Lots of cutting and organizing. I will be adding pictures tomorrow—after I get things hung up on the walls in…

  • Working on Classroom Redo

    Working on Classroom Redo

    Today I spent about 4 hours working on redoing my Bible Class Room. I had to take down items that will not be used in the next 13 weeks and replace them with items we will be using and referring to over the next 13 weeks. I am not finished with the room yet….I will…

  • A change in format for website.

    Hi there, I am in the process of changing the format of the Hands On Bible Teacher website. Due to my busy life this seems to be the easiest way for me to update this website. I am a very busy mom, grandmother, preacher’s wife, and Bible class teacher. I will be attempting to update…