Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Tag: dollar tree

  • Memory Verse “REWARD”

    Memory Verse “REWARD”

    I was THRILLED to find these are the Dollar Tree!!!  AND, I will NOT be using them for a BABY SHOWER!!!  🙂  I will be using them for our NEWEST way to TRACK our MEMORY VERSES.   I know you are probably thinking I am a bit crazy….but, let me explain… You see, I had an…

  • Making Visuals for Bible Class

    Making Visuals for Bible Class

    Let me first say this has been a CRAZY few weeks.  Some of the CRAZINESS has taken me SHOPPING!!!!   LOL.    I love it when CRAZY means it is time to shop!!! So, my first excursion took me to the Dollar General.  I have not done a LOT of shopping there..but, after these FINDS I will…

  • Elijah’s Whirlwind Ride

    Elijah’s Whirlwind Ride

     Have you ever been so excited about a lesson…that you could hardly wait to teach it to the KIDDOS?  Well, I have been SOOOOOO excited about this lesson for a really LOOOOONG time.  As I was writing my lesson, coming up with activities, memory verses, crafts, etc.  I could not help but imagine the MAJESTY…

  • Elijah & The Widow of Zarephath

    Elijah & The Widow of Zarephath

     This week our lesson is about Elijah and The Widow of  Zarephath.    We will be EXPLORING the HISTORY of this LESSON.  The fact that the drought had become so BAD that Elijah had to leave the Brook Cherith and travelto a place in Sidon, because GOD  said there was  a woman there that would provided …

  • Bible Detectives!!!!

    Bible Detectives!!!!

    We are starting something NEW.  This is an opportunity for all of OUR KIDDOS, that attend Bible Classes here at our congregation, to expand their Bible Knowledge!!! We are going to encourage all of our KIDDOS to be BIBLE DETECTIVES!!!   We have an area in our classroom hallway that is PERFECT for displaying this BOARD.   …

  • Puzzle Frames Review Game

    Puzzle Frames Review Game

    As you know I LOVE shopping at the Dollar Tree.  When I walk through the doors of that store I can not stop thinking, “Bible Class, Bible Class, Bible Class.”  Every aisle I  walk down I am asking myself, “What Do I See that I Can use in Bible Class?   One day while shopping…

  • Rearranging Classroom To Build New Excitement  For The Kiddos.

    Rearranging Classroom To Build New Excitement For The Kiddos.

    I am still doing a bit of rearranging of our Bible Classroom.  I think it excites the Kiddos…when they come in the room and things are changed up a bit.    I have added a few new things to our room too.    I will be sharing a few of them with you today….but, keep checking back….I…

  • Another Ealry Arrival Activity   E. A. A.

    Another Ealry Arrival Activity E. A. A.

    We have a new E.A.A. (Early Arrival Activity) in our classroom and the KIDDOS LOVE it!!!.   This was a SUPER SIMPLE thing to do.  I just took OLD Visuals and attached them to MAGNETIC Sticker Sheets.  I purchased the Magnetic Sheets at our local Dollar Tree.    I also purchased our Magnetic Puzzle Trays (COOKIE SHEETS)…

  • Cubby Shelving Unit  and Word Wall.

    Cubby Shelving Unit and Word Wall.

    I LOVE finding bargains that fill a desire I have had for my Bible Class Room.  I recently found this shelving unit for $8.00 at a local Thrift Store.  I was extremely excited.  I had wanted the kiddos to have their own CUBBY (storage) and this perfectly fulfilled the desire.  I could hardly wait to…