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Tag: Explorer Journal

  • Abraham & Sarah Special Guest

    Abraham & Sarah Special Guest

    This week we are moving forward in our EXPLORATION of Abraham and Sarah.   We are focusing on the time period when the three “special” visitors came and told Abraham that Sarah would have a baby in a year!  What an exciting story!!!   Our DO YOU KNOW? WALL  is ready.   We have a…

  • Abraham “GET UP and GO.”

    Abraham “GET UP and GO.”

    Do You KNOW?  Wall. BULLETIN BOARD We have begun our EXPLORATION of the Patriarchs.  I am excited.  The KIDDOS are excited, too. They LOVE new adventures!!! The KIDDOS “NEW” Explorer Journals are READY!!  These are used to keep their Explorer Journal Activities.  The KIDDOS get to take them home at the end of the study.…

  • Tower of Babel

    Tower of Babel

    We have had a few “bumps” on our Exploring of Bible History. I have been out of town, been sick, got well, fell sick again. Kinda a rough few weeks. But, we are MOVING forward. This Sunday the KIDDOS will be learning about the Tower of Babel.    Our DO YOU KNOW? Wall is ready!!…

  • Noah Builds the Ark

    Noah Builds the Ark

    Our “DO YOU KNOW?” wall is all ready for this weeks lesson. We are still progressing through Genesis.  We will be learning all about NOAH and the ARK.  Due to some travel plans, the KIDDOS will be getting an extra week on this lesson. I LOVE teaching about NOAH and the ARK.  So many LIFE LESSONS…

  • SETH, a BLESSING to us ALL.

    SETH, a BLESSING to us ALL.

    We have a NEW LESSON this week!!!  The KIDDOS will be learning all about SETH.  Seth is such an important BABY!!!!  After all, JESUS will be one of SETH’S descendants!!!  So, not only was SETH a blessing to ADAM and EVE, he was a BLESSING to YOU and ME! We have new informational cards up…

  • Cain and Abel

    Cain and Abel

    We are making progress…..we are learning about Cain and Abel. We are a bit behind, due to weather.  We have NEVER had to cancel services….but, a week ago we were covered in ICE.  It made for extremely dangerous driving conditions.  So, our elders decided it would be best to cancel services.  With that being said,…

  • Adam & Eve Sin and Concequeces

    Adam & Eve Sin and Concequeces

    We are moving right along in our study of Genesis.  The KIDDOS are enjoying Exploring the Book of Genesis.  This week we will be learning about Adam and Eve’s SIN and the consequences of their sin.   This is our DO YOU KNOW? wall.  In my opinion when the KIDDOS can answer these Who? What?…

  • Creation—GOD’S AWESOME PLAN for MAN

    Creation—GOD’S AWESOME PLAN for MAN

    Sorry to be OFF the GRID for the month of DECEMBER.    It has been a CRAZY, BUSY MONTH!!!  We have had a few changes in PLANS and a few interruptions.  But, hopefully we are back to some since of “NORMAL.” Thanks for your patience.   If you follow me on Facebook, you are already…

  • Judah Goes Into Captivity in Babylon

    Judah Goes Into Captivity in Babylon

    WOW, we have come to the END of the study of the KINGS of JUDAH and ISRAEL.    I have enjoyed teaching all these lessons to my KIDDOS.   It is hard to believe that we have reached this point in the HEBREWS history.   Just a reminder, I teach  Early Childhood ages 4 1/2…

  • Jeremiah & The Potter

    Jeremiah & The Potter

    We are moving forward in our lessons about the Kingdom of Judah.    I am so excited about this lesson….The KIDDOS will be learning how GOD is the POTTER and we are the clay.   I love our WHO? WHAT? WHEN? WHERE?? WHERE? and WHY? WALL!!!! There is so much information on this WALL.  We…