Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Tag: game

  • Fruit of the Spirit

    Fruit of the Spirit

    Today was the beginning of a NEW Quarter for my students.  With a new quarter….we are beginning new material.   Our Theme for the Quarter….I LOVE the bright colors. We are EXPLORING the FRUIT of THE SPIRIT from Galatians 5.   The kiddos were so excited to see all the NEW items in the classroom.  I even…

  • Armor of God   Exploring  Bible History New Testament Lessons 6

    Armor of God Exploring Bible History New Testament Lessons 6

    The lesson on the Sword of the Spirit was a fun lesson.  The boys were very excited about learning about and making a SWORD.   After teaching them that God’s Word is a SWORD and that when we read it we often CUT through our hearts and that is what makes us CHANGE and live the…

  • Armor of God   Exploring  Bible History New Testament Lessons 5

    Armor of God Exploring Bible History New Testament Lessons 5

    This past Sunday was a very FUN day of learning.  The kiddos were soooo excited to learn about the Helmet of Salvation.  Prior to going into the lesson I showed them pictures of various types of hats.  For example, a football helmet, hockey helmet, baseball bating helmet, motorcycle helmet, hard hat, bike helmet, combat helmet,…

  • Armor of God   Exploring  Bible History New Testament Lessons 3

    Armor of God Exploring Bible History New Testament Lessons 3

    We are continuing our lessons on the Armor of God.  This past Sunday we added “Sandals of Peace” to our Belt of Truth and Breastplate of Righteousness.  We learned that God wants our feet to be SHOD with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace.     I wanted the kiddos to realize that when we teach…

  • Samson the Strong Judge

    Samson the Strong Judge

    The children LOVED the lesson about Samson.  It is amazing how excited they get when learning about Samson and his AMAZING STRENGTH.   For their “Take Home” activity the kiddos made a Samson Puppet.  It was made by coloring a face and MUSCLED arms and gluing them to a tongue depressor.  They then glued on 7…

  • Joahua Takes A Stand….”As for Me and My House…”

    Joahua Takes A Stand….”As for Me and My House…”

    This week we are learning the story of Joshua’s Farewell Address to the Hebrews.  He is wanting them to remain FAITHFUL to God.  He tells them that they must make a choice.  He reminds them of all the blessings God had blessed them with.  He reminds them that God had always been with them.  Joshua…

  • Jericho


    This past Sunday we learned about the story of the conquering of Jericho. We made the “Rams” horns as our “Take Home” Activity.  The horns were made before class (see previous post).  During class the children added the chenille stick around the mouth piece and were allowed to color and decorate their horn any way…

  • Memorial Stones

    Memorial Stones

    This past Sunday we learned about the story of the Memorial Stones.  The stones were picked up from the midst of the Jordan River, from the place where the Priest feet had stood.    Joshua picked 12 men (one from each tribe) to pick up a rock out of the Jordan and carry it on his…

  • Crossing the River Jordan

    Crossing the River Jordan

    This week we are learning about the Hebrews Crossing the Jordan River. This is such an AMAZING story. God stops the Jordan River from flowing…allowing the Hebrews to safely cross on dry ground. For a visual this week I am using my paper dolls from makingfriends.com and home made “Ark of the Covenant.” I made…

  • Review Game

    Review Game

    This is the review game my students will be playing on Sunday and Wednesday this week. They will attempt to move Moses down the river and through the “Bullrushes” by answering questions from the lesson on Baby Moses. Since this is a Preschool to 1st grade class we will do this as a cooperative class…