Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Tag: games

  • Early Arrivers Activity—  Unscramble the Books of The Bible

    Early Arrivers Activity— Unscramble the Books of The Bible

    The KIDDOS are going to be encouraged to get the BOOKS of THE BIBLE memorized.  We have a LOT of different activities that we are going to be doing to REVIEW the Books of The Bible and ENCOURAGE the KIDDOS!!!   One of the ACTIVITIES that the KIDDOS will get to do is UNSCRAMBLE the BOOKS…

  • Kings of Israel REVIEW for the KIDDOS

    Kings of Israel REVIEW for the KIDDOS

    I am traveling this week… My HUBBY and I are headed to Florida College to attend a week of Bible Lectures.  It is such a rejuvenation for me.  I also get time to PERUSE the College Bookstore that is filled with various materials PERFECT for Bible Studies and Bible Classes!!!!  I am very excited!!!!  I…

  • Five Minutes Till the Bell Rings!!!

    Five Minutes Till the Bell Rings!!!

    Hi there!!  I know some are wondering WHAT to do with those LAST few MINUTES of CLASS TIME.  Just so you know,  I seem to RUN out of TIME every SUNDAY!!!  I would LOVE to have BIBLE CLASS run 15, 20, 30 more minutes. 🙂  But, realistically speaking I would probably STILL run out of…

  • A BIG FISH Story.  Jonah the Prophet

    A BIG FISH Story. Jonah the Prophet

     I am so EXCITED about this LESSON.  I know the KIDDOS will LOVE this one!!!!   It is a WONDERFUL story and teaches the KIDDOS so many attributes of GOD.  HE is ALL KNOWING.  HE is ALL POWERFUL.  HE is ALWAYS PRESENT!    GOD is TRULY AMAZING!!!!  This is a GREAT story to TEACH the WONDERFUL NATURE…

  • FLIP YOUR LID!!!!  Bible Facts Review Game

    FLIP YOUR LID!!!! Bible Facts Review Game

     We have a new EARLY ARRIVER ACTIVITY! I have been slowly collecting these tops to LYSOL wipes…..You could use ANY brand you like…I just happened to have LYSOL brand wipes,  so I that is what I am currently using. However, I put the word out and have had several donations  of lids come in from…

  • Elisha and the Widow

    Elisha and the Widow

    This weeks lesson is focusing on some of the miracles Elisha performs.  We will quickly cover the miracle when Elisha healed the water at Jericho…but our MAIN focus of the lesson will be when Elisha helps the widow…this story comes from 2 Kings 4.   We will add the WORD Debt to our WORD WALL!! Since,…

  • Elijah Challenges The Prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel

    Elijah Challenges The Prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel

    This week we have a “NEW” Bible Lesson.  Please remember, that each of my lessons last 2 weeks.  The first week, I spend introducing the lesson, facts, places, etc.  The next week we do a very detailed review…this gives me an opportunity to see if the KIDDOS missed something or if I forgot to share…

  • REVIEW WEEK—Milk Carton Chute

    REVIEW WEEK—Milk Carton Chute

    Our Review Week is coming up soon.  We ALWAYS have a BIG REVIEW at the end of a QUARTER.  I normally PULL out something from each PAST lesson to display on REVIEW SUNDAY.  I will post pics of our REVIEW SUNDAY soon.  But, in preparation for REVIEW Sunday, I made a simple and yet FUN…

  • Puzzle Frames Review Game

    Puzzle Frames Review Game

    As you know I LOVE shopping at the Dollar Tree.  When I walk through the doors of that store I can not stop thinking, “Bible Class, Bible Class, Bible Class.”  Every aisle I  walk down I am asking myself, “What Do I See that I Can use in Bible Class?   One day while shopping…

  • Solomon Builds The Temple

    Solomon Builds The Temple

    What a wonderful SUNDAY!!!  The KIDDOS were in a GREAT mood.  I love it when they all arrive early/on time and have seemed to have had a good nights rest.     Our lesson this week was about King Solomon building the Temple.  This was a interesting lesson to teach 4-7 year olds.  They really seemed to…