Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Tag: Isaac

  • Isaac and Rebekah

    Isaac and Rebekah

    I am a bit behind on the website….so, I am attempting to play catch up.   Here is what we did recently.  We are continuing to EXPLORE BIBLE HISTORY.  We just recently had a lesson about Isaac and Rebekah.     We added a “EVENT” card to our GOD’S AWESOME PLAN FOR MAN!!  Timeline.  This…

  • Abraham is Faithful

    Abraham is Faithful

    We recently had a lesson about Abraham being FAITHFUL.  He was so FAITHFUL that when GOD called upon him to give up his only son, he was willing.  WOW, what FAITH.   Our DO YOU KNOW? wall is FILLED with the FACTS and INFORMATION that I want to make sure the KIDDOS understand.   We…

  • Abraham & Sarah Special Guest

    Abraham & Sarah Special Guest

    This week we are moving forward in our EXPLORATION of Abraham and Sarah.   We are focusing on the time period when the three “special” visitors came and told Abraham that Sarah would have a baby in a year!  What an exciting story!!!   Our DO YOU KNOW? WALL  is ready.   We have a…

  • Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Bulletin Board— PATRIARCHS

    Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Bulletin Board— PATRIARCHS

    FINALLY!!!  I feel like it has been a looong time….GLAD to be back in “NORMAL” mode.  I have been working in the Bible Classroom a LOT!!!  I had so much to take down, rearrange, and sort!!  Just the putting things BACK were they go can take a REALLY long time.  But, I am always happy…



    We are continuing our TOUR of our GOD’S AWESOME PLAN FOR MAN BOXES.   This is BOX 2—PATRIARCHAL BOX. Take a PEEK!!!  ðŸ™‚ I have 3 TENTS and 3 Patriarchs inside those tents. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.    We have a wooden number 3 and a number 3 coded with the THREE promises that GOD…

  • Using Toys to Teach Bible Stories.

    Using Toys to Teach Bible Stories.

    I have to tell you all a story.  My hubby and I went shopping at Toys-R-Us the other day.  You see, my 7 year old son had been saving his “commission” (that is what my kiddos “earn” by doing their chores) to buy a new LEGO set.  Well, we found the LEGO set and I…