Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Tag: Life Of Christ

  • Baptism of Jesus

    Baptism of Jesus

    Our continuing Exploration through the Life of Jesus Has brought us to the time when Jesus was Baptized.   Jesus is now 30 Years Old….and we will shortly begin learning about his teachings and miracles.  However, I wanted the KIDDOS to know all about the Baptism of Jesus.  He never asks us to do something HE was not…

  • 12 Year Old Jesus In The Temple

    12 Year Old Jesus In The Temple

    Our continuing Exploration through the Life of Jesus Has brought us to the time when Jesus was 12 years old.    His family Travels to Jerusalem to Celebrate the Passover and He goes with them.  Of Course, You know the Story.  He gets left behind due to His desire to be in the Temple listening…

  • Wise Men Visit Baby Jesus

    Wise Men Visit Baby Jesus

    We are making progress in our Lesson about the LIFE of JESUS CHRIST.  Due to so many of our KIDDOS being out of town for the Holidays we “paused” our  study.  We used the last month to REVIEW past lessons, Bible Facts and more.  I am so glad that reviewing is a very important part…

  • Life of CHRIST—Angel Gabriel’s Announcement

    Life of CHRIST—Angel Gabriel’s Announcement

     I am so excited about this “NEW MATERIAL.”  I have been working on LESSONS on the LIFE OF CHRIST for a while, now.  I am NOT done writing the LESSONS, but I feel I have enough LESSONS written that we can march forward in EXPLORING the LIFE of CHRIST!!!   As always, I teach my…

  • We Want To Get “CAUGHT” In Bible Class!!  Attendance Charts

    We Want To Get “CAUGHT” In Bible Class!! Attendance Charts

    As, I said in my previous POST, a NEW QUARTER brings NEW CHANGES.  My KIDDOS will be learning about the Life of CHRIST over the next several months.  It will take us more than a quarter to get though all the lessons I want to teach….so, we will take our time.  However, with that being…



    Our  2nd-4th Graders have been learning about the Life of CHRIST.  Such a WONDERFUL TOPIC.  I am looking forward to ONE day getting to WRITE and TEACH lessons on the LIFE of CHRIST for my KIDDOS. These KIDDOS are so much fun and so SMART!   So, we wanted to give them a bit of…