Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Tag: moses



    Hope you are enjoying these boxes.    They are really useful teaching tools.   This is what box 3 looks like from the top…..I love peeking in the boxes.  ðŸ™‚    Here is everything that is in our Moses (Mosaical Time) Box.   We have a Pyramid and Baby Moses…the pyramid is to help remind…

  • Joshua the NEW Leader for the Hebrews

    Joshua the NEW Leader for the Hebrews

    Wednesday Evenings are used as a review night. The children review the lesson they learned on Sunday Morning. We have found this to be a great teaching method. It allows us to make sure the children really understand what they learned on Sunday. The children projects for Wednesday are placed in their Explorer Journal. Their…

  • Review What We Have Learned During the Quarter

    Review What We Have Learned During the Quarter

    We have finished all the lessons in Book 2 of the Exploring Bible History Curriculum I am writing. We have had so much fun learning about Moses’s life. On the table sits a visual reminder of some of the stories we have learned during this past quarter. The kiddos EXPLORER JOURNALS are ready for the…

  • Wednesday’s Explorer Journal Activity Balaam and the Talking Donkey

    Wednesday’s Explorer Journal Activity Balaam and the Talking Donkey

    Our Wednesday night review is taught by another teacher…I am currently teaching a YOUNG LADIES Bible Class on Wednesday Nights. However, I want to keep you updated on what we do in our Wednesday Night Review Nights. This past Wednesday night the teacher reviewed the story of Balaam and the Talking Donkey. Again, the children…

  • Balaam and the Talking Donkey

    Balaam and the Talking Donkey

    This is our LAST lesson in the second book of my Exploring Bible History Curriculum. The children have really enjoyed these lessons…and we will shortly be going on into book THREE…however we have a few weeks of REVIEWING FUN COMING UP FIRST. I will post about our review days. This lesson was about Balaam and…

  • Wednesday’s Explorer Journal Activity 12 Spies

    Wednesday’s Explorer Journal Activity 12 Spies

    Our Wednesday evenings are spent reviewing the Sunday’s lesson. I believe this is a wonderful way to teach the children…it makes sure they have grasped what they have learned. This past Wednesday was the night to review the story of the 12 spies who spied out the Land of Canaan. This story is a wonderful…

  • Twelve Spies

    Twelve Spies

    The Bible Story that the kiddos will be learning about this Sunday is the story of the Twelve Spies. They will learn how they went into Canaan and spied out the land….and how Ten of the spies came back and tell the Hebrews that the Land was too hard to conquer and the people there…

  • Tabernacle


    The Wednesday Evening review of the Tabernacle Lesson will be loads of fun. The class will revisit the model of the Tabernacle, play the Tabernacle review game, and say their Memory Verse in order to receive their sticker for their Explorer Backpack. The Explorer Journal Activity is a Tabernacle Lift-A-Flap activity. The students will stick…

  • Building the Tabernacle

    Building the Tabernacle

    The newest lesson we learned was all about the Tabernacle. We learned that God commanded the Hebrews to build the Tabernacle and the Hebrews happily obeyed. They were so happy to help that they brought offerings to Moses for the building of the Tabernacle. They brought sooo much that Moses had to tell them to…

  • Untitled Post

    Untitled Post

    On Wednesday night, the children had a new teacher. She will still be teaching my materials. She will be reviewing the story we learned on Sunday with them and doing their Explorer Journal Activity. This weeks Explorer Journal Activity is a Golden Calf Picture, The children colored the altar gold, using a gold paint pen,…